ThesaHelp: references e-f
Topic: data-driven design
Topic: software models of reality
Group: software engineering
Topic: sensitivity of software to change
Group: software maintenance
Topic: programmer productivity
Topic: problem solving
Topic: software tools
Topic: automated tests of specifications and designs
Topic: programming style
Group: engineering
Topic: reusable programming
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Fairley, R.E.,
Software Engineering Concepts, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1985, B This book is a well documented overview of all aspects of software engineering. It also acts as a good index into the literature..
3 ;;Quote: a software engineer creates models of physical situations in software
| 4 ;;Quote: constructing stable software is like constructing a skyscraper that depends on every detail fitting exactly
| 9 ;;Quote: software maintenance consists of enhancements (60%), adaptations (20%), and corrections (20%)
| 9 ;;Quote: system testing, enhancement and adaptation takes three-fourths of total life-cycle effort
| Subtopic: Quote: despite the importance of software maintenance, it has second shortest chapter; even less than software cost estimation
QuoteRef: fairRE_1985 ;; [Despite the importance of software maintenance, the software maintenance chapter is 19 pages in a 364 page book. The only shorter chapter is the summary. The next longest chapter is 22 pages for Software Cost Estimation.
15 ;;Quote: Sackman's programmer productivity experiment found 25:1 variation between best and worst programmer and 5:1 typical variation
| 117 ;;Quote: software tools support problem solving by humans; e.g., PSL does not solve requirements problems, it provides analysis and formatting
| 209 ;;Quote: style is the consistent pattern of choices; good coding style is easily understood, straightforward, and elegant
| 219 ;;Quote: programming guidelines require motivation, participation, revision, exceptions, and automated adherence
| 230 ;;Quote: software engineering will remain a craft until able to develop building-block software
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ThesaHelp: references e-f (168 items)
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