Group: debugging
Group: program design
Group: program proving
Group: requirement specification
Topic: automated testing
Topic: CADES structural modeling with holons
Topic: consistency testing
Topic: data flow languages
Topic: debugging by usage rules
Topic: design errors
Topic: design languages
Topic: executable code from specifications and designs
Topic: formal methods and languages
Topic: model checker
Topic: program proof via assertions
Topic: program proving is infeasible
Topic: programming as mathematics
Topic: programming without errors
Topic: prototyping
Topic: proving concurrent programs
Topic: requirement specification by behaviors
Topic: safety critical systems
Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties
Topic: specification and design of distributed systems
Topic: specification errors
Topic: state machine
Topic: symbolic execution
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Subtopic: predicate logic
Quote: need predicate logic to reason effectively about specifications/programs for/of mechanisms [»hehnEC2_1984]
| Subtopic: requirement checking
Quote: formatted specifications use a standardized syntax to help with basic consistency and completeness checks, e.g., ISDOS, CADSAT, SREM [»boehBW_1979]
| Quote: derived test cases from formal specification; tested each precondition and postcondition; also white-box testing; only three faults during operation; acceptance testing found cosmetic faults [»tretJ9_2001]
| Quote: define requirements via "decomposition elements"; automatic checks for consistency, completeness, interface [»belfPC_1976, OK]
| Quote: software tools support problem solving by humans; e.g., PSL does not solve requirements problems, it provides analysis and formatting [»fairRE_1985]
| Quote: Model II checks for ambiguities, incompleteness, inconsistencies and redundancies [»prywNS10_1979]
| Subtopic: code and dataflow
Quote: FindBugs identifies 50 bug patterns using the inheritance hierarchy, linear code scan, control flow graph, and dataflow analysis; implemented with BCEL; most tests are short [»hoveD12_2004]
| Subtopic: design analyzer
Quote: CADES uses a design analyzer to manage the complex network of linkages between thousands of holons [»pearDJ7_1973]
| Quote: the CADES animator uses individual holon performance estimates to evaluate overall performance [»pearDJ7_1973]
| Quote: CADES generates tests from a formal holon description and a design information system database [»pearDJ7_1973]
| Quote: design aids need to digest the information provided by the designer [»soloE5_1984]
| Quote: design errors: inconsistencies, inefficiencies, ambiguities, inflexibilities [»parnDL8_1985]
Related Topics
Group: debugging (10 topics, 333 quotes)
Group: program design (13 topics, 454 quotes)
Group: program proving (10 topics, 311 quotes)
Group: requirement specification (11 topics, 307 quotes)
Topic: automated testing (25 items)
Topic: CADES structural modeling with holons (24 items)
Topic: consistency testing (60 items)
Topic: data flow languages (33 items)
Topic: debugging by usage rules (41 items)
Topic: design errors (15 items)
Topic: design languages (12 items)
Topic: executable code from specifications and designs (18 items)
Topic: formal methods and languages (53 items)
Topic: model checker (49 items)
Topic: program proof via assertions (61 items)
Topic: program proving is infeasible (47 items)
Topic: programming as mathematics (27 items)
Topic: programming without errors (28 items)
Topic: prototyping (18 items)
Topic: proving concurrent programs (37 items)
Topic: requirement specification by behaviors (16 items)
Topic: safety critical systems (32 items)
Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties (22 items)
Topic: specification and design of distributed systems (14 items)
Topic: specification errors (10 items)
Topic: state machine (67 items)
Topic: symbolic execution (9 items)