
Topic: debugging by usage rules

topics > computer science > programming > Group: debugging


automated testing
automated tests of specifications and designs
code optimization by flow analysis
compiler error checking
consistency testing
debugging techniques
dependency analysis
execution tracing
flavor analysis and typestates for supplementary type checking
logging data and events
model checker
owned resources and data objects
path expression
preventing accidental errors
requirement specification by assertion
requirement specification by behaviors
safety, liveness, and system properties

Subtopic: usage rules up

Quote: static source code analysis is automatic, descriptive, and finds bugs in untestable code [»englD10_2001]
Quote: using consistency rules to catch null reference errors [»englD10_2001]
Quote: every item of data must be used; state explicitly before overwriting an unused value [»scowRS_1979]
Quote: type systems say nothing about concurrency or dynamics; e.g., that initialize happens first, or x() must be invoked every 10 ms [»leeEA9_2000]
Quote: annotations and static analysis identified format bugs, buffer overflow bugs, and unknown flaws in wu-ftpd [»evanD1_2002]
Quote: use patterns, like C++ expressions, are more abstract and readable than an equivalent set of operations and auxiliary types [»dosrG1_2006]
Quote: PREfix and PREfast found 1/8 of the bugs fixed in Windows Server 2003 [»laruJR5_2004]
Quote: Slam found many errors in Windows device drivers; it separates the control path from the data path; e.g., resource use [»laruJR5_2004]

Subtopic: bug pattern up

Quote: find serious mistakes and usage errors by detecting bug patterns, i.e., code idioms that often error; easily implemented [»hoveD12_2004]
Quote: FindBugs identifies 50 bug patterns using the inheritance hierarchy, linear code scan, control flow graph, and dataflow analysis; implemented with BCEL; most tests are short [»hoveD12_2004]
Quote: bug detectors for thread correctness, performance issue, security violation, usage bug, dropped exception, null pointer, open stream, unchecked return, unconditional wait [»hoveD12_2004]
Quote: PREfast checks parse trees for problemantic idioms; e.g., number of bytes vs. number of characters [»laruJR5_2004]
Quote: ESP checks very large C/C++ programs with a finite state machine of syntactic code patterns; most branches are irrelevant; e.g., security properties over a million lines with 25 false errors [»laruJR5_2004]

Subtopic: anomalous behavior up

Quote: the probabilistic calling context (PCC) is a hash of the calling context and call site; 3% overhead for Java; e.g., detecting anomalous behavior after a training session [»bondMD10_2007]

Subtopic: latent bug up

Quote: use bug checkers for latent bugs; e.g., a covariant equals method works until someone adds the class to a map or set; another latent bug is hashcode/equals [»hoveD12_2004]

Subtopic: event sequence up

Quote: a PQL query is the shortest amount of code that violates a design rule; handles event sequences over related objects [»martM10_2005]
Quote: dynamic analysis by PQL found 200 errors in Eclipse; security flaws, resource leaks, and consistency invariants [»martM10_2005]
Quote: runtime overhead of PQL ranges from 9% to 125%; static analysis helps a lot; max is 19x slowdown [»martM10_2005]

Subtopic: extracting usage rules up

Quote: find bugs by automatic extraction of usage rules; as templates (beliefs) with few contradictions [»englD10_2001]
Quote: rules for automated checks of consistency [»englD10_2001]
Quote: latent specifications in text by naming conventions, assertions, etc.; e.g., lock.. and unlock.., free.. and release.. [»englD10_2001]
Quote: extend static source code analysis to related code that shares the same belief set [»englD10_2001]

Subtopic: model checking vs. usage rules up

Quote: model checkers find a few difficult errors with simplified code; meta-level compilation works directly with program source and found many errors [»chouA11_2000]
Quote: validation methods are primarily used as bug-finders; formal methods are useful because they find different bugs than traditional methods; a more realistic goal than guaranteeing correctness [»dillDL4_1996]
Quote: Slam turns a C program into a boolean program with the same control-flow and Boolean variables; easier to analyze [»laruJR5_2004]

Subtopic: usage rules vs. style checker up

Quote: a bug checker uses static analysis to find correctness violations; while a style checker identifies code style violations [»hoveD12_2004]

Subtopic: path analysis up

Quote: PREfix for path-by-path analysis across function boundaries; finds null pointers, improper memory allocation/deallocation; uninitialized variables, resource state errors, improper library usage [»laruJR5_2004]

Subtopic: ranking errors up

Quote: rank potential errors by ease-of-diagnosis, seriousness, and likelihood of false positives; rarely inspect all errors [»englD10_2001]
Quote: rank potential errors by the z statistic for proportions; deviation of observed ratio from expected ratio [»englD10_2001]
Quote: rank potential errors instead of beliefs; beliefs are too sensitive to threshold [»englD10_2001]

Subtopic: procedure annotations up

Quote: consistency test by annotating procedure with dependency relations for each result; useful for large, untidy structures [»jackD6_1993]
Quote: Vault as a safe C with execution-ordering constraints; object in one of several states; annotate functions for their effect on object state [»laruJR5_2004]

Subtopic: path invariants up

Quote: check restrictions of the following types; Never/Always do X, Always do X before/after Y, If you do X then you must/cannot do Y [»chouA11_2000]

Subtopic: on-the-fly correction up

Quote: detect violations of design rules by instrumenting the code using a static alias analysis; can correct erroneous executions on the fly [»martM10_2005]

Subtopic: check path invariants via compiler up

Quote: check system invariants through compiler extensions; found 34 bugs in a well-tested, cache coherence protocol; short, easily written [»chouA11_2000]
Quote: use meta-level compilation (MC) to easily check path invariants; simple description, complicated source of errors, maintained across all paths; e.g., for cache coherence [»chouA11_2000]
Quote: meta-level compiler extensions pinpoints errors with 10-100 lines written in a few days; avoids complex errors
Quote: meta-level compilation through extensible compiler with high-level state machines applied down every path; transitions triggered by patterns [»chouA11_2000]

Subtopic: concurrency bugs up

Quote: the most common synchronization error was ignoring read synchronization; data may be out-of-date or uninitialized [»hoveD7_2004]
Quote: concurrency bug patterns: mismatched wait, double locking, notify vs. notifyAll, run vs. start, mutable lock, naked notify, spin wait [»hoveD7_2004]

Subtopic: problems with usage rules up

Quote: if enforce that data must be used before it is overwritten, frequent runtime errors that are all right 2/3's of the time
[»scowRS_1979, OK]

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Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties
(22 items)

Updated barberCB 4/05
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