Topic: debugging by usage rules
Topic: exception handling with resumption
Topic: execution tracing
Topic: dynamic type checking
Topic: pattern matching
Topic: logging data and events
Topic: safe use of pointers
Topic: logic programming
Group: security
Topic: security leaks and weaknesses
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Martin, M., Livshits, B., Lam, M.S.,
"Finding application errors and security flaws using PQL: a program query language",
OOPSLA'05 Conference Proceedings. 20th Annual ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, San Diego, California, USA, October 2005, ACM Press, pp. 365-383.
abstract ;;Quote: a PQL query is the shortest amount of code that violates a design rule; handles event sequences over related objects
| abstract ;;Quote: detect violations of design rules by instrumenting the code using a static alias analysis; can correct erroneous executions on the fly
| abstract ;;Quote: dynamic analysis by PQL found 200 errors in Eclipse; security flaws, resource leaks, and consistency invariants
| 366 ;;Quote: runtime overhead of PQL ranges from 9% to 125%; static analysis helps a lot; max is 19x slowdown
| 367 ;;Quote: execution trace as object dereference; field load/store, array load/store w/o index, method call/return, object create, and end program
| 367 ;;Quote: a PQL query is a pattern to be matched on the execution trace; typed variables match an object of that type; subqueries; action to perform on match
| 369 ;;Quote: PQL queries match a context-sensitive pattern of events; subqueries match context-free grammars over the call chain; the partial-order operator matches the intersection of context-free languages
| 371 ;;Quote: store points-to information as binary decision diagrams in bddbddb; from Whaley and Lam's pointer alias analysis; query with Datalog
| 375 ;;Quote: use PQL for runtime security protection; dynamically detect and correct SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and path traversal attacks
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