Group: debugging
Group: type checking
Topic: consistency testing
Topic: critical regions
Topic: debugging by usage rules
Topic: debugging techniques
Topic: event controlled processing
Topic: execution tracing
Topic: run-time assertions
Topic: requirement specification by assertion
Topic: temporal relationships
Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties
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Subtopic: specification via path expression
Quote: specify a non-atomic, concurrent procedure with a predicate that defines the allowable sequences of atomic actions
| Quote: a path expression is a redundant specification of program behavior; a debugger can report deviations [»brueB8_1983]
| Quote: a path expression can be a predicate on a program's execution history [»brueB8_1983]
| Quote: with path expressions, a programmer can describe expected behavior and monitor actual behavior [»brueB8_1983]
| Quote: describe behavior as valid traces of externally visible events; less intuitive than preconditions and postconditions; the Trace Assertion Method [»hoffDM_2001]
| Subtopic: checking adherence
Quote: use meta-level compilation (MC) to easily check path invariants; simple description, complicated source of errors, maintained across all paths; e.g., for cache coherence [»chouA11_2000]
| Quote: a path expression can enforce a particular execution sequence [»brueB8_1983]
| Subtopic: regular expression over paths
Quote: a basic path expression is a regular expression over state histories [»brueB8_1983]
| Quote: use predicate transition nets for modeling concurrency; use regular expressions to model sequential behavior
| QuoteRef: habeAN6_1975 ;;3 critical paths path a; b end (a;b)* for any number and (a+b) for either. ... [p. 6] if can't continue a path then suspend
| Subtopic: data type via path expression
QuoteRef: habeAN6_1975 ;;6 define a type with local variables (eg mes= message) a path (deposit;remove) and operations (b deposit (m)= mes m. path says a deposit must occur before any removes
| Quote: restrictions on the sequence of invoking operators of an abstract data type; e.g., open, write, close [»silbA2_1980]
| Subtopic: resource access via path expressions
Quote: COSY uses path expressions to order operation activations for a resource [»lauePE_1979]
| QuoteRef: habeAN6_1975 ;;the basic idea of path expressions is required sequences of operations along with cluster def
Related Topics
Group: debugging (10 topics, 333 quotes)
Group: type checking (12 topics, 392 quotes)
Topic: consistency testing (60 items)
Topic: critical regions (58 items)
Topic: debugging by usage rules (41 items)
Topic: debugging techniques (23 items)
Topic: event controlled processing (46 items)
Topic: execution tracing (42 items)
Topic: run-time assertions (25 items)
Topic: requirement specification by assertion (28 items)
Topic: temporal relationships (40 items)
Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties (22 items)