ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: abstract data type
Group: requirement specification
Topic: good requirement specifications
Topic: path expression
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Silberschatz, A., Kieburtz, R.B.,
"The external consistency of abstract data types",
SIGPLAN, 15, 2, pp. 64-73, February 1980.
64 ;;Quote: an abstract data type is an algebra fully specified by its axioms; independent of implementation or environment
| 65 ;;Quote: environment specifications specify intended use of an abstract type; similar to usage restrictions specified by a manufacturer
| 67 ;;Quote: restrictions on the sequence of invoking operators of an abstract data type; e.g., open, write, close
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ThesaHelp: references sa-sz (237 items)
Topic: abstract data type (64 items)
Group: requirement specification (11 topics, 306 quotes)
Topic: good requirement specifications (36 items)
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