ThesaHelp: references a-b
Topic: path expression
Topic: asynchronous processing
Topic: event controlled processing
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Bruegge, B., Hibbard, P.,
"Generalized path expressions: A high level debugging mechanism",
SIGPLAN, 18, 3, pp. 34-44.
Other Reference
Software Engineering Notes vol 8 num 4
includes summary of event-action languages and debuggers
34 ;;Quote: a path expression is a redundant specification of program behavior; a debugger can report deviations
| 35 ;;Quote: a basic path expression is a regular expression over state histories
| 37 ;;Quote: a path expression can be a predicate on a program's execution history
| 37 ;;Quote: a path expression can enforce a particular execution sequence
| 39 ;;Quote: an event-action language asynchronously invokes an action when certain events occur
| 42 ;;Quote: with path expressions, a programmer can describe expected behavior and monitor actual behavior
Related Topics
ThesaHelp: references a-b (396 items)
Topic: path expression (14 items)
Topic: asynchronous processing (30 items)
Topic: event controlled processing (46 items)