
QuoteRef: tretJ9_2001

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formal methods and languages
safety critical systems
transformation of programs
exception handling
testing testing
automated tests of specifications and designs
limitations of formalism
program proving is infeasible
executable code from specifications and designs
software models of reality
programming style
good requirement specifications
programming notation
software metrics
software review


Tretman, J., Wijbrans, K., Chaudron, M., "Software engineering for formal methods: The development of a storm surge barrier control system. Revisiting seven myths of formal methods", Formal Methods in System Design, 19, 2, pp. 195-215, September 2001. Google

abstract ;;Quote: used formal methods for BOS, the automated control system for Rotterdam's movable dam; highest safety integrity level; completed on time and within budget
197 ;;Quote: automated control needed for a highly reliable storm surge barrier; humans have one in a thousand failure probability for complex tasks
200 ;;Quote: validated BOS's communication protocol with PROMELA and SPIN; identified an unsafe situation where only one door closed; intuitive chart of message sequence
202 ;;Quote: BOS used formal Z specifications and natural language for detailed design; checked consistency, types, completeness; verified postconditions and invariants for highly critical subsystems
202 ;;Quote: systematic coding from formal detailed design specifications; mapped Z specifications to code; pre- and post-conditions and invariants as assertions
202+;;Quote: use one pattern for reporting errors and recovering failed processes
202+;;Quote: over half of system for simulators, test systems, and supporting software
203 ;;Quote: derived test cases from formal specification; tested each precondition and postcondition; also white-box testing; only three faults during operation; acceptance testing found cosmetic faults
207 ;;Quote: use formal methods to verify a design instead of proving correctness; forces engineers to be precise about details; resolves differences of interpretation between implementers and testers
note ;;Quote: program proving and automatic derivation of code from formal specifications are not important; e.g., implementation of formal specifications caused few errors
209 ;;Quote: formal methods do not help with conceptual models and high-level structuring; both require experience; formal specification gives a false feeling of confidence
209 ;;Quote: need specification standards with pragmatics, formating, naming conventions, language restrictions
209 ;;Quote: a simple error in Z can lead to a correct specification with a completely different meanings; e.g., forgetting a prime symbol ' to indicate the new state
211 ;;Quote: the length of a Z specification corresponds to the testing and development effort; useful for scheduling
211 ;;Quote: formal design specification allows test construction concurrently with coding; ready to test when coding finished
211+;;Quote: testers are effective reviewers of formal design specifications; they use the specifications to write their tests
note ;;Quote: formal methods were used successfully; all of the software engineers found them useful
213 ;;Quote: should have formalized the functional specification as well as the technical design; found problems, errors, ambiguities, and inconsistencies

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