Group: program design
Group: requirement specification
Group: software engineering
Group: software maintenance
Topic: bugs
Topic: change notification
Topic: Cleanroom software development
Topic: consistency testing
Topic: debugging by reading code
Topic: design documentation
Topic: design errors
Topic: management of large software projects
Topic: programming style
Topic: programming without errors
Topic: quality assurance
Topic: software management
Topic: specification errors
Topic: team programming
Topic: usability errors
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Subtopic: advantages
Quote: a design review produces a list of ideas, objections, concerns, and issues; produce a plan for addressing the issues and resolving all open items [»colwRP_2006]
| Quote: program reviews improve quality, educate new programmers, provide overall view, and assist management review [»kralTM5_1975, OK]
| Quote: inspections make code easier to understand and change; 60% of issues concerned maintainability; e.g., coding standards, comments, portability, documentation [»siyH12_2001]
| Quote: a technical review tests the reviewed material, provides technical and leadership training, communicates standards, and develops community spirit [»weinGM9_1982]
| Quote: need a rigorous review after programming and before debugging; often caused major improvements or revised design strategies [»corbFJ_1979]
| Quote: review a program before compilation [»hoarCA_1974]
| Quote: code inspection works for any product with well-defined completion criteria; successfully used for hardware development [»russGW1_1991]
| Quote: visually inspect every bit of analysis and code; most errors are obvious [»roycWW8_1970]
| Subtopic: inspection vs. testing
Quote: inspect code before unit test; better motivation, less disruption, may catch design errors, may skip unit test [»wellEF9_1993]
| Quote: don't test before code inspections; inspections are more productive; inspection requires a motivated team rewarded are detected errors [»russGW1_1991]
| Quote: a design review and code inspection after testing can find many more errors than the testing itself [»joneTC4_1979]
| Quote: code reading better than functional or structural testing for detecting software faults [»basiVR12_1987]
| Quote: code inspections are two to four times more effective than formal designer testing and system testing [»russGW1_1991]
| Quote: testing is better than code inspection for errors due to execution, timing, traffic, load, system interactions [»russGW1_1991]
| Subtopic: meetings vs. preparation
Quote: meetingless inspections finds more defects than those with meetings [»portA11_1997]
| Quote: a low preparation rate (<200 lines/hour) is about 20% better than a high one [»wellEF9_1993]
| Quote: when reviewing software, prefer one-on-one discussions instead of protracted group discussions [»parnDL8_1985]
| Quote: found meetingless inspections better than those with meetings; very few defects for more often with meetings [»perrDE7_2002]
| Quote: a second individual review is more effective than a review meeting in locating defects [»portAA3_1997]
| Quote: two-sessions were no better than single session reviews and took twice as long [»portAA6_1997]
| Quote: one reviewer plus author found fewer true defects than two- or four-reviewer teams
| Quote: review meetings located 30% of the true defects; the remainder were found during preparation; like Humphrey, while Votta studied design inspections [»portAA6_1997]
| Subtopic: review materials
Quote: use HyperCode to reduce inspection delays; annotated, diff-marked code listings; online, automatically generated, no meetings [»perrDE7_2002]
| Quote: excellent acceptance of HyperCode inspections; automatically generated reports, more defects reported, better defect descriptions with discussion, shorter meetings, widely used [»perrDE7_2002]
| Quote: typeset drafts appear to get more thorough reviews then rough drafts [»joneTC4_1979b]
| Quote: a module design document records the major design decisions for design reviews and documentation [»parnDL2_1986]
| Quote: include all design alternatives in the documentation along with why they were considered and why they were rejected [»parnDL2_1986]
| Subtopic: inspection team
Quote: design and code inspection teams with moderator, designers, coders, and testers
| Quote: formal design reviews with 10 to 20 other interested designers and observers [»colwRP_2006]
| Quote: can use a librarian with software reviews; all communication (review kits) in writing through the librarian [»mcgoCL_1979]
| Quote: 4-person inspection teams more than twice as effective as 3-person teams; better product knowledge, code producer less prominent [»wellEF9_1993]
| Quote: random selection of software review treatments: 1,2, or 4 reviewers with 1 or 2 review sessions or 2 reviews with defect repair; all reviewers prepared ahead of time
| Subtopic: testers
Quote: testers are effective reviewers of formal design specifications; they use the specifications to write their tests
| Subtopic: how to review
Quote: in a design review describe the context, function, constraints, alternatives, block diagram, timing diagrams, protocols, and controllers [»colwRP_2006]
| Quote: do not judge the validity of an issue during a review; all issues deserve attention [»colwRP_2006]
| Subtopic: assumption-driven review
Quote: when reviewing consistency between assumptions and functions, ask which assumptions allow a function's implementation [»parnDL8_1985]
| Quote: each module includes basic assumptions which will not change and assumptions about correct usage [»parnDL8_1985]
| Quote: design errors: inconsistencies, inefficiencies, ambiguities, inflexibilities [»parnDL8_1985]
| Subtopic: questionnaire-driven review
Quote: review software by asking questions; use the documents under review; e.g., write a program by reading the documentation [»parnDL8_1985]
| Quote: focused design reviews on one type of error with questionnaires answered from the design documentation [»parnDL8_1985]
| Quote: an active review consists of questions to be answered using the documentation; mostly individual work; generated a wealth of comments [»hoffDM_2001]
| Subtopic: paraphrase inspection
Quote: code inspections find the most errors at 150 lines of code paraphrase per hour; 4 times worse at 750 lines per hour [»russGW1_1991]
| Quote: code inspection by paraphrasing it line by line; for detecting errors; use moderator, inspectors, author, two hour reviews [»russGW1_1991]
| Quote: during a review, one reviewer paraphrases the code, one reviewer is the moderator, and the author compiles the master list of defects
| Subtopic: scenario inspection
Quote: scenarios better for software reviews than checklists and ad hoc reviews; checklists did not help [»perrDE7_2002]
| Quote: reviewers that follow a scenario for specific classes of errors found more defects than ad hoc or checklist reviewers [»portA11_1997]
| Subtopic: use case inspection
Quote: inspection by usage-based reasoning validates design and requirement documents by manually executing high priority use cases [»thelT8_2003]
| Quote: experiment found usage-based reasoning better than checklist-based reading; better for all faults, critical-to-user faults, and time to first fault [»thelT8_2003]
| Subtopic: mental execution
Quote: in checking a program, the program is de-programmed to see if it re-creates the original specification [»greeTR_1980]
| Quote: mentally verify clear boxes by verifying a small number of correctness conditions; can check unanimously in a few seconds [»lingRC5_1993]
| Quote: check sheets will catch most errors if performed conscientiously; forget purpose and method of the machine to avoid anticipating a result [»turiA3_1951]
| Quote: use desk checking to verify that subroutines occupy distinct locations, specifications are satisfied, overwrites do not occur, and unpreserved registers are invalid [»wilkMV_1951]
| Quote: algebraic notation makes programs easy to read and mentally check; reduces programming error and increases productivity [»glenAE2_1953]
| Subtopic: module inspection
Quote: with displays, a program made of many short programs can be checked one display at a time
| Quote: used displays to inspect safety-critical software for a nuclear plant [»parnDL12_1994]
| Quote: the tabular organization of displays allowed a step-by-step review process
| Quote: checked that the displays satisfied the requirements document by transforming the display's tables into the corresponding requirement tables [»parnDL12_1994]
| Quote: the decomposition phase of the review process should be communicated by the designer; the reviewer should not need to derive the decomposition [»parnDL12_1994]
| Subtopic: error-prone module
Quote: during code inspection, concentrate on error-prone modules [»fagaME3_1976, OK]
| Subtopic: size of change
Quote: review software according to change sizes; under 10 lines, 10-50, and over 50 lines [»puruR6_2005]
| Subtopic: faults detected by inspection
Quote: extra and missing statements account for almost half of all errors found by code inspections
| Quote: issues reported across all code inspections: 22% false positives, 60% readability or coding standards, 18% true defects and inefficiencies; studied true defects [»portAA6_1997]
| Subtopic: effectiveness of inspection
Quote: Apache developers do not use QA testing; review code before or after checkin; most core developers review all changes [»mockA7_2002]
| Quote: code inspections of 2.5 million lines of code detected about 1 defect per person-hour over all activities [»russGW1_1991]
| Quote: catch 20% of bugs in code inspection; half of these from designing the test cases, half from the inspection [»yamaT11_1998]
| Quote: in Cleanroom, used intensive team reviews to verify two formal grammars of 1500 productions each; no grammar errors found in field testing [»lingRC10_1988]
| Quote: using function-theoretic design verification, a team review checked 1200 correctness questions in a few days; astonishing savings during test [»lingRC10_1988]
| Quote: via functional verification inspections, the IBM Wheelwriter had no software errors after 6 years; 63 Kloc of code on three processors
| Subtopic: inspection training
Quote: BNR uses a self-paced video and workbook for teaching code inspections; includes good and bad meetings [»russGW1_1991]
| Subtopic: examples
Quote: a typical release of the 5ESS switch requires 1,500 inspections with four or more participants
| Quote: study of 130 software reviews during the development of 55K new lines of C++ code; managed and observed by an inspection quality engineer [»portAA6_1997]
| Subtopic: cost of inspection
Quote: a 20 KLOC program takes 4-6.7 person-years to develop and about 1 person-year for code inspection [»russGW1_1991]
| Quote: run 10 test cases per day during code inspection, and 25 per day during machine debugging
| Subtopic: problems with inspection
Quote: traditional design inspection uses mental program execution; needs long term memory, non-local reasoning, virtually infinite number of paths [»lingRC10_1988]
| Quote: software reviews tend to go through code too quickly, lack focus on a single objective, and do not benefit from team synergy [»russGW1_1991]
| Quote: the process has little effect on software inspections; most variation due to the reviewers, the code size, and its functionality [»portA11_1997]
| Quote: conventional design reviews are often incomplete due to information overload [»parnDL8_1985]
| Quote: reviewers can miss program flaws even though they know that flaws have been introduced [»parnDL6_1990]
| Quote: software inspection is a double pain; requires documentation beforehand and inspection itself is painful; easily dropped [»berrDM10_2002]
| Quote: check sheets miss errors due to preconceived ideas, insufficient test cases, not checking alterations, or alternating check sheet but not the program [»turiA3_1951]
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