ThesaHelp: references i-l
Topic: specification is infeasible
Topic: design documentation
Topic: software review
Topic: abstraction in programming
Topic: task communication
Topic: problem of assigning names
Group: program design
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Jones, T.C.,
"A survey of programming design and specification techniques",
Proceedings, Specifications of Reliable Software, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., pp. 91-103, April 1979.
Other Reference
Jones, T.C. (ed), Programming Productivity: Issues for the eighties (COMPSAC tutorial), IEEE Computer Society 1981, p. 224-236
224 ;;Quote: as a program increases in size, specifications stop increasing in size because they become too large to write and read
| 225 ;;Quote: in a large system, the formal specification is too bulky for practical use; instead design work switches to informal communications
| 231 ;;Quote: a design review and code inspection after testing can find many more errors than the testing itself
| 232 ;;Quote: most specifications require verbal reinforcement to resolve ambiguities and questions
| 233 ;;Quote: the larger the program, the more attention its design requires
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