
Topic: Cleanroom software development

topics > computer science > programming > Group: software engineering

program design
program proving
requirement specification

constructing proof and program together
design documentation
incremental development
incremental testing
personal software process (PSP)
programming without errors
quality assurance
requirement specification by diagrams
requirement specification by function
software change management
software management
software review
team programming
statistical testing based on a usage profile

Subtopic: stastical quality control, formal specification, no unit debugging up

Quote: Cleanroom develops software incrementally with statistical quality control; if too many errors then improve process [»millHD9_1987]
Quote: Cleanroom is for highly reliable software via formal specification and design non-execution program development, and statistical testing
Quote: Cleanroom development with statistical quality control, mathematical verification, no unit debugging, incremental development, change control
Quote: Cleanroom engineering uses teams for specification, development, and certification [»cobbRH11_1990]

Subtopic: error free code up

Quote: in Cleanroom, the team's goal was error-free code for an increment; occurred many times; high satisfaction and motivation [»lingRC10_1988]
Quote: Cleanroom focus on error prevention by formal design methods and mathematics-based verification; halves error rate [»millHD9_1987]
Quote: under Cleanroom, high quality code rapidly becomes error free; expect defect free within a day or two of first execution [»lingRC10_1988]

Subtopic: top down design with box structures up

Quote: a program function transforms input state to output state; a clear box includes its intended function and the intended functions of its refinements [»lingRC5_1993]
Topic: requirement specification by diagrams
Quote: Cleanroom uses box structures for specification; before design starts, everyone must agree that the specification is correct [»lingRC10_1988]
Quote: box structures avoid the ambiguities and omissions for natural language specifications; detects gaps and misunderstandings early [»lingRC5_1993]
Quote: Cleanroom's development team designs each increment top-down with usage hierarchy, black-box, state-box, and clear-box [»cobbRH11_1990]
Quote: both data (state-boxes) and process (clear-boxes) views are needed for designing software; related by box structures [»cobbRH11_1990]
Quote: Cleanroom's black-box view defines system responses in terms of stimuli histories; implementation-independent [»cobbRH11_1990]
Quote: Cleanroom's development team implements clear boxes by stepwise refinement and verifies each function
Quote: Cleanroom designs are constructed by decomposing a specified function into control structures and subspecifications; never bottom-up [»lingRC10_1988]
Quote: Cleanroom's clear-box view defines system responses in terms of lower level black boxes, data abstractions for states, and current stimuli; process-driven [»cobbRH11_1990]
Quote: Cleanroom's state-box view defines system responses in terms of state data and the current stimuli; data-driven, captures stimuli history [»cobbRH11_1990]
Quote: a Cleanroom objective was simplifying designs; sometimes achieved a five-fold reduction in size [»lingRC10_1988]

Subtopic: coding follows design exactly, automated up

Quote: coding a Cleanroom design must follow the design exactly
Quote: Cleanroom designs are mapped statement-to-statement into PL/1; automated [»lingRC10_1988]

Subtopic: large scale proofs up

Quote: using Cleanroom techniques, can construct proof arguments for very large software systems
Quote: confirm that a program implements an intended function by correctness conditions for sequence, alternation, and iteration [»lingRC5_1993]

Subtopic: testing in a controlled environment up

Quote: programmers in the Coding War Games complained about the total separation of coding and testing; but a third delivered zero-defect products [»demaT5_1989]
Quote: Cleanroom rejects testing's fundamental purpose: to find bugs [»beizB3_1997]
Quote: Cleanroom development separates testing from software development; random test cases; should be more reliable [»parnDL6_1990]
Quote: Cleanroom places programs under engineering change control before first execution; for reliable statistics [»lingRC10_1988]
Quote: testing is facilitated in a controlled environment which is separate from the development environment [»mcgoMJ7_1983]
Quote: in Cleanroom, the primary function of testing is to certify code, not debug it; reject if 7-8 errors/KLOC [»lingRC10_1988]
Quote: errors in Cleanroom projects tend to be simple mistakes found by statistical testing, not deep design or interface errors [»lingRC5_1993]

Subtopic: good results up

Quote: a Cleanroom project developed 107 KLOCs in 3 increments; 50 people, 2.6 errors/KLOC and 486 LOC/developer/month [»lingRC5_1993]
Quote: successful use of Cleanroom methods for NORAD tracking system; incremental development, team walkthroughs, state-based, almost all defects discovered before compilation [»tackBD5_1999]
Quote: Cleanroom teams met requirements better and passed more test cases; all intermediate deliveries were on schedule [»selbRW9_1987]
Quote: COBOL/SF used a Cleanroom software team of 8 people plus 3 summer students; first software development project for all but two people [»lingRC10_1988]
Quote: COBOL/SF development by Cleanroom methods meet all schedules and budgets; all committed functions were delivered [»lingRC10_1988]
Quote: developed COBOL/SF (for structuring programs) with Cleanroom techniques; 80K lines; field test found 10 simple errors [»lingRC10_1988]
Quote: in Cleanroom, used intensive team reviews to verify two formal grammars of 1500 productions each; no grammar errors found in field testing [»lingRC10_1988]
Quote: Cleanroom projects achieve 3.3 errors/KLOC in testing after correctness verification

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Topic: incremental development (74 items)
Topic: incremental testing (26 items)
Topic: personal software process (PSP) (2 items)
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Topic: quality assurance (22 items)
Topic: requirement specification by diagrams (27 items)
Topic: requirement specification by function (20 items)
Topic: software change management (48 items)
Topic: software management (28 items)
Topic: software review (80 items)
Topic: team programming (7 items)
Topic: statistical testing based on a usage profile
(27 items)

Updated barberCB 4/04
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