ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: programmer productivity
Topic: experimental results on programming
Topic: identifying program modules
Topic: restricted use of global variables
Topic: requirement specification by function
Topic: Cleanroom software development
Topic: goto statement
Topic: experimental results on structured programming
Group: program design
Topic: software metrics
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DeMarco, T., Lister, T.,
"Software development: state of the art vs. state of the practice",
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Software Engineering, ACM, May 1989, pp. 271-275.
271 ;;Quote: test programmer productivity with the Coding War Games; work in pairs from same specification, exchange programs for testing after desk-check and compilation
| 272 ;;Quote: programmers who did not use large modules had 38% fewer defects and were nearly twice as likely to pass the acid test
| 272 ;;Quote: programmers who used more local variables than average had 63% fewer errors
| 273 ;;Quote: programmers who used functional binding when it was natural were nearly twice as likely to pass the acid test
| 273 ;;Quote: programmers in the Coding War Games complained about the total separation of coding and testing; but a third delivered zero-defect products
| 273 ;;Quote: most programmers in the Coding War Games restricted gotos to emergency exits and loop exits
| 273 ;;Quote: despite using a strong, centrally enforced methodology, there was no convergence of design concepts between separate implementations of the same specification
| 274 ;;Quote: program length is not a useful measure; ten-to-one variation for programs in the same language written to the same specification
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