
Topic: experimental results on structured programming

topics > computer science > Group: programming

testing and evaluating user interfaces

experimental results on programming
structured programming

Subtopic: structured programming is good up

Quote: structuring a program almost halves the frequency of ripple effect errors [»gibsVR3_1989]
Quote: eliminating redundancies and writing at higher levels of abstraction improved programmer performance [»gibsVR3_1989]
Quote: while representing transfer-of-control caused difficulty, structured programming improved organization, performance, and ease of learning; subjects liked it [»millLA10_1978]
Quote: programming plans were useful for Pascal programmers but not to Basic programmers [»gilmDJ9_1987]
Quote: structured flowcharts preferred over pseudocode by 4:1 for learning short, complex algorithms [»scanDA3_1988]

Subtopic: structured programming no effect up

Quote: though studies on structured programming show few negative results, the positive effects do not wash out the influence of other factors [»vessI7_1984]
Quote: programming improved by indentation, comments, mnemonic names; but not by structured programming [»pariG_1980]
Quote: understanding a plan structure is not critical to program comprehension; e.g., can use control-flow instead [»gilmDJ9_1987]
Quote: hypothesized that structured flowcharts are better than pseudo-code: easier, fewer errors, more confidence, quicker answers, fewer references [»scanDA9_1989]

Subtopic: language more effect on error lifetimes than structuring up

Quote: to reduce error lifetimes, it is better to change the programming language than to change the programming process [»simeME1_1977]

Subtopic: gotos up

Quote: most programmers in the Coding War Games restricted gotos to emergency exits and loop exits

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Group: testing and evaluating user interfaces   (9 topics, 262 quotes)

Topic: experimental results on programming (75 items)
Topic: structured programming
(27 items)

Updated barberCB 5/04
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