ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: text editing
Topic: expert users
Topic: novice users and the UserInterface
Topic: goto statement
Topic: decision table
Topic: experimental results on programming
Topic: experimental results on structured programming
Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation
Group: conditional control
Topic: programming with natural language
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Miller, L.A.,
"Behavioral studies of the programming process", Yorktown Heights, New York, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, RC 7367, October 1978.
Other Reference
Stanford Computer Library #12058
6 ;;Quote: in a research center, 3/4's of all commands were text editing commands
| 6 ;;Quote: in a time-sharing system, 20% were high frequency users and accounted for 60% of total connect time
| 6+;;Quote: infrequent users also had very short terminal sessions
| 6 ;;Quote: the two main groups of computer users are sophisticated/frequent users and unsophisticated/infrequent users
| 9 ;;Quote: no difference in learning and performance between a goto language and flowcharts; both better than if..then..else programs
| 9 ;;Quote: a 'procedure table' consists of columns specifying conditions and sets of subsequent actions; checked from top to bottom
| 9 ;;Quote: found procedure tables (transposed decision table) significantly better than IF, BRANCH, and FLOW control
| 9+;;Quote: procedure tables are like a transposed decision table, or SNOBOL's flow of control
| 10 ;;Quote: while representing transfer-of-control caused difficulty, structured programming improved organization, performance, and ease of learning; subjects liked it
| 10 ;;Quote: procedure tables work best for simple problems
| 13 ;;Quote: natural language emphasizes the action while programming languages emphasize the conditions and control structures
| 14 ;;Quote: conditions in natural language procedures are expressed as qualifications to the action or its object
| 14 ;;Quote: conceptualize imperative verbs in natural language procedures by preconditions, program, results, and operands
| 15 ;;Quote: instead of programming languages, use natural language with a considerably restricted syntax and lexicon
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
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Topic: goto statement (25 items)
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Topic: experimental results on programming (75 items)
Topic: experimental results on structured programming (11 items)
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