ThesaHelp: references m-o
Topic: information hiding
Topic: version control
Topic: programming environment
Group: testing
Topic: Cleanroom software development
Topic: bug tracking system
Topic: commitment as a system
Topic: state
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McGowan, M.J., Anderson, W.L.,
"Software must move! A description of the software assembly line",
Softfair Proceedings, IEEE, Computer Society Press, pp. 119-126, July 1983.
120 ;;Quote: after each software development step, it must move to another place; avoids hidden information and insures isolation
| 120 ;;Quote: testing is facilitated in a controlled environment which is separate from the development environment
| 120 ;;Quote: software should move automatically during development; makes milestones visible
| 123 ;;Quote: MONSTR illustrated the different states of software and the organizational division of responsibility
| 123+;;Quote: software milestones are the transitions between states as in MONSTR
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ThesaHelp: references m-o (268 items)
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Topic: commitment as a system (22 items)
Topic: state (35 items)