
Topic: information hiding

topics > computer science > programming > Group: program module

program design

abstract data type
importance of information hiding for requirement specification
separate a module's interface specification from its implementation

abstraction in programming
aspect-oriented programming
declarative vs. procedural representation
decomposition of a system into levels
design for change
program module as encapsulation
handling complexity
families of programs
identifying program modules
interface between program modules
local declaration of data
localized understanding
meaning vs. reference
object-oriented design
opaque and partially-opaque data types
restricted use of global variables
reusable programming
security by access functions
the 'uses' hierarchy for organizing systems
virtual machine


A good programmer makes use of available information. Information should be hidden if its use makes a system difficult to understand and modify. Interfaces simplify a system by dividing the system into regions with clearly defined boundaries. (cbb 12/89)
Subtopic: allow change up

Quote: change a module's implementation without knowledge of the implementation of other modules and without affecting the behavior of other modules [»parnDL3_1985]
Quote: information hiding minimizes the cost of software by estimating the likelihood of change; likely changes should be easily made [»parnDL3_1985]

Subtopic: hide information up

Quote: the connections between parts of programs are the assumptions that the parts make about each other; these connections limit change and make proof difficult [»parnDL_1978]
Quote: well-structured programs limit the assumptions that parts make about each other
Quote: secrets are more important than interfaces or roles; secrets clarify the responsibilities of a module [»parnDL3_1985]
Quote: because of multiple disciplines, information hiding occurs naturally in many engineering projects, e.g., transformers; not true for software [»parnDL6_1990]
Quote: information hiding: user has everything needed to use a module but nothing more; the implementer has everything to implement a module and nothing more [»maclBJ_1987]
Quote: information hiding necessary if designers wish to maintain control over a program's structure [»parnDL8_1971]
Quote: higher-order-software algorithms never have knowledge of their users [»hamiM3_1976]
Quote: the major problem with procedural programs is the uncontrolled distribution of information [»creeC11_1997]
Quote: for information hiding, describe module structure by the roles played, the secrets held, or the facilities provided [»parnDL3_1985]

Subtopic: hide decisions up

Quote: a module should hide a design decision instead of dividing a program into major steps; information hiding [»parnDL12_1972]
Quote: design modules by hiding difficult or likely-to-change design decisions; not flowcharts or processing steps [»parnDL12_1972]

Subtopic: abstract interface up

Quote: an abstract interface provides a service without revealing its implementation [»hoffDM_2001]
Quote: Alphard's specification sections are the user's sole source of information about a form [»wulfWA6_1976]

Subtopic: hide implementation up

Quote: the A-7E flight software consists of a hardware-hiding module (hardware interfaces), a behavior-hiding module, and a software decision module (performance-related decisions)
Quote: an abstract interface provides a service without revealing its implementation [»hoffDM_2001]
Quote: a module should hide the sequence for processing an item; also character codes and alphabetic ordering
Quote: use routines to reduce complexity by hiding the details [»mccoS7_1998]
Quote: routines hide the order in which events occur; e.g., data from user and data from file in either order [»mccoS7_1998]
Quote: you do not want to look at source code even if it is readily available
Quote: representation abstraction separates logical definition from physical implementation; hides information about a module [»taivA4_1993]

Subtopic: objects hide implementation up

Quote: object orientation is encapsulation + abstraction + polymorphism; groups object state and operations with information hiding [»nicoJR6_1993]
Quote: categorize methods/functions as command or query; freely use queries while commands hide information [»huntA1_2003]
Quote: do not query an object, make a decision, and perform an action (procedural, bug prone) [»huntA1_2003]
Quote: tell objects what needs to be done, keep decisions inside objects (object-oriented, encapsulated)

Subtopic: limited access to data up

Quote: if restrict access to a data structure then only member functions can modify the data, cause illegal values, and define how to use the data [»stroB_1991]
Quote: named relationships hides their representation from the user [»kentW_1978]
Quote: in a 'uses' hierarchy, low level operations may assume a data structure, next level may allow similar data structures, and top level doesn't know [»parnDL5_1978]
Quote: a module hides a data structure with its internal links, accessing procedures, and modifying procedures [»parnDL12_1972]
Quote: restrict data structures to a module; all other modules must call access programs [»parnDL3_1985]
Quote: in a good CADES design, each holon manipulates a small subset of data items provided by its parent holon [»pearDJ7_1973]
Quote: except for low-level types or math entities, avoid global data, global functions, public data, friends, direct access, type fields, inline functions, void*, pointer arithmetic, C arrays, and casts [»stroB_1991]
Quote: MIL uses names of resources to convey or restrict access information between modules [»dereFL6_1975]

Subtopic: encapsulation vs. information hiding up

Quote: after each software development step, it must move to another place; avoids hidden information and insures isolation [»mcgoMJ7_1983]
Quote: hide interrupts via abstract processors; everything else as cooperating sequential processes [»dijkEW2_1971]
Quote: encapsulation reduces the need for information hiding
Quote: C++ types and data-hiding efficiently prevent accidental corruption of data. They do not provide secrecy and security [»stroB_1991]

Subtopic: full access to information up

Note: information is language and hence public; not private as in object-oriented programming [»cbb_1990, OK]
Quote: information hiding conflicts with code reading and other desirable activities [»liskB_1996]
Quote: a good programmer makes use of available information
Quote: access to source code does not violate information hiding because access is to people, not modules [»weisM11_1987]
Quote: a system has uniform closure if every component can access every other component, including their descriptions [»smitDR11_1985]

Subtopic: problems with overloading up

Quote: an overloaded or hidden name can cause difficult errors; minimize by avoiding names like 'i' for globals or variables in large functions [»stroB_1991]

Subtopic: problems of encapsulation up

Note: access control and visibility tend to be either too limited or too liberal; hard to make them work [»cbb_1990, OK]
Quote: with upcalls, need to separate client data from the level's data; the later must be consistent and unlocked before an upcall occurs [»clarDD12_1995]
Quote: class inheritance doesn't preserve encapsulation because functions are scattered among classes with many interdependencies [»wyboN4_1990]

Subtopic: problems with information hiding up

Quote: requirement changes often cross-cut information hiding boundaries; should restructure the code, but restructuring is expensive without observable change [»berrDM10_2002]
Quote: information hiding can lead to inefficient switching between modules due to subroutine calls; allow inline expansion of module code [»parnDL12_1972]
Quote: Google co-designed its applications and file system API

Related Topics up

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Topic: importance of information hiding for requirement specification (23 items)
Topic: separate a module's interface specification from its implementation (86 items)

Topic: abstraction in programming (67 items)
Topic: aspect-oriented programming (2 items)
Topic: declarative vs. procedural representation (54 items)
Topic: decomposition of a system into levels (49 items)
Topic: design for change (76 items)
Topic: program module as encapsulation (28 items)
Topic: handling complexity (60 items)
Topic: families of programs (11 items)
Topic: identifying program modules (26 items)
Topic: interface between program modules (55 items)
Topic: local declaration of data (11 items)
Topic: localized understanding (43 items)
Topic: meaning vs. reference (49 items)
Topic: object-oriented design (30 items)
Topic: opaque and partially-opaque data types (14 items)
Topic: restricted use of global variables (22 items)
Topic: reusable programming (77 items)
Topic: security by access functions (10 items)
Topic: the 'uses' hierarchy for organizing systems (18 items)
Topic: virtual machine
(13 items)

Updated barberCB 8/05
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