Topic: real time systems
Group: repetitive control
Topic: asynchronous processing
Topic: exceptions from invalid input
ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: recursion
Topic: efficiency
Topic: backtracking
Topic: exception handling with resumption
Topic: data flow languages
Topic: debugging by reading code
Topic: information hiding
Topic: separate a module's interface specification from its implementation
Topic: security by access functions
Topic: the 'uses' hierarchy for organizing systems
Topic: error safe systems
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Hamilton, M., Zeldin, S.,
"Higher order software--A methodology for defining software",
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-2, 1, pp. 9-32, March 1976.
12 ;;Quote: a specification language should separate system performance from interface correctness
| QuoteRef: hamiM3_1976 ;;14 loops not allowed in HOS specification. Instead uses recursion with all variables unique and protected
| 15 ;;Quote: restarts and scheduling is easy with data flow because variable usage is unique; determines ordering
| 19 ;;Quote: eyeballing found 44% of all anomalies in the APOLLO on-board flight software
| QuoteRef: hamiM3_1976 ;;19 asynchronous operation required for real-time applications
| 22 ;;Quote: higher-order-software algorithms never have knowledge of their users
| 26 ;;Quote: in higher-order-software, a module controls invocation and ordering of its immediate sub-modules only
| 27 ;;Quote: there must be an output for every possible input
| 27 ;;Quote: every module only controls access rights to input variables and to output of immediate sub-functions
| QuoteRef: hamiM3_1976 ;;27 axiom 5. a module controls rejection (errors) only of its own input
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