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QuoteRef: gageP2_1994 ;;Gage, A new algorithm for data compression,
QuoteRef: gahaN2_1979 ;;Gehani, A high level data structure--The grid
QuoteRef: galbJK_1976 ;;Galbraith, The affluent society
QuoteRef: galiG_1632 ;;Galilei, Dialogo Di Galileo Galilei Linceo, Massimi Sistemi Del Mondo Tolemaico, e Copernicano
QuoteRef: galiG_1638 ;;Galilei, Two New Sciences, including Centers of Gravity & Force of Percussion
QuoteRef: galkJT6_1980 ;;Galkowski, A critique of the DOD common language effort
QuoteRef: gallBA4_1967 ;;Galler, Perlis, A proposal for definitions in ALGOL
QuoteRef: gallBA_1970 ;;Galler, Perlis, A View of Programming Languages
QuoteRef: galiG_1610 ;;Galilei, Sidereus Nuncius
QuoteRef: gallJA9_1996 ;;Gallian, Error detection methods
QuoteRef: gammRC10_1974 ;;Gammill, Software Reliability: Philosophical underpinnings
QuoteRef: gammRC_1981 ;;Gammill, A tiny portable language-independent macroprocessor and some applications
QuoteRef: gammR_1982 ;;Gammill, Thorp, Distributed processing of problem-solving applications for farmers
QuoteRef: ganaM10_1981 ;;Ganapathi, Fischer, Bibliography on automated retargetable code generation
QuoteRef: gannJD8_1977 ;;Gannon, An experimental exaluation of data type conventions
QuoteRef: gannJD_1978 ;;Gannon, Characteristic errors in programming languages
QuoteRef: gantV8_1999 ;;Ganit, Gehrke, Ramakrishnan, Mining very large databases
QuoteRef: gargPK11_1987 ;;Garg, Scacchi, On designing intelligent hypertext systems for information management in software engineering
QuoteRef: gateB7_1987 ;;Gates, Beyond macro processing
QuoteRef: gaveWW4_1991 ;;Gaver, Smith, Effective sounds in complex systems: The ARKola simulation
QuoteRef: gayD3_2000 ;;Gay, Steensgaard, Fast escape analysis and stack allocation for object-based programs
QuoteRef: gearCW_1980 ;;Gear, Numerical Software: Science or Alchemy?
QuoteRef: gelbB12_2000 ;;Gelbord, Signing your 011001010 The problems of digital signatures
QuoteRef: geleD1_1985 ;;Gelernter, Generative communication in Linda
QuoteRef: geleD2_1992 ;;Galernter, Carriero, Coordination languages and their significance
QuoteRef: gellDP7_1974 ;;Geller, Weinberg, The principle of sufficient reason. A guide to language design for parallel processing
QuoteRef: gellM5_1978 ;;Geller, Test data as an aid in proving program correctness
QuoteRef: geneH_1984 ;;Geneen, with Moscow, Managing
QuoteRef: gentD8_1996 ;;Gentner, Nielson, The anti-Mac interface
QuoteRef: gentWM5_1981 ;;Gentleman, Message passing between sequential processes: the reply primitive and the administrator concept
QuoteRef: georJ12_1977 ;;Georges, Heymans, On parameteric array expressions
QuoteRef: gescCC1_1983 ;;Geschke, A system for programming and controlling sensor-based robot manipulators
QuoteRef: gescCM6_1975 ;;Geschke, Mitchell, On the problem of uniform reference to data structures
QuoteRef: gescCM8_1977 ;;Geschke, Morris, Sutterthwaite, Early experience with Mesa
QuoteRef: ghemS6_2000 ;;Ghemawat, Randall, Scales, Field analysis: getting useful and low-cost interprocedural information
QuoteRef: ghiyR1_1998 ;;Ghiya, Hendren, Putting pointer analysis to work
QuoteRef: gibsVR3_1989 ;;Gibson, Senn, System structure and software maintenance performance
QuoteRef: giffDK12_1985 ;;Gifford, Baldwin, Berlin, Lucassen, An architecture for large scale information systems
QuoteRef: giffDK3_1988 ;;Gifford, Needham, Schroeder, The Cedar file system
QuoteRef: giffDK4_1982 ;;Gifford, Cryptographic sealing for information secrecy and authentication
QuoteRef: giffDK5_1985 ;;Gifford, Lucassen, Berlin, The application of digital broadcast communication to large scale information systems
QuoteRef: giffDK7_1985 ;;Gifford, Rashid, Spector, Distributed Systems
QuoteRef: giffDK_1979 ;;Gifford, Weighted voting for replicated data
QuoteRef: gilbH9_1998 ;;Gilbert, Techniques for low cost authentication and message authentication
QuoteRef: gilbT_1977 ;;Gilb, Software Metrics
QuoteRef: gilbW_1600 ;;Gilbert, On the loadstone and magnetic bodies and on the great magnet the Earth
QuoteRef: gilmDJ9_1987 ;;Gilmore, Green, Are 'programming plans' psychologically real--outside Pascal?
QuoteRef: giloCF10_1991 ;;Giloth, Audience Participation: A large-scale group interaction experiment
QuoteRef: gimpJ3_1989 ;;Gimpel, Gimpel, Competing with Giants: Opportunities for success
QuoteRef: gimpJF6_1972 ;;Gimpel, Blocks--A new datatype for Snobol 4
QuoteRef: giniGC4_1985 ;;Gini, Gini, Dealing with world-model-based programs
QuoteRef: giraM4_1991 ;;Girault, Self-certified public keys
QuoteRef: gladHM5_2001 ;;Gladney, Cantu, Authorization management for digital libraries
QuoteRef: glasRL3_1981 ;;Glass, Persistent software errors
QuoteRef: glasRL9_1997 ;;Glass, Cobol--A contradiction and an enigma
QuoteRef: glasS12_1995 ;;Glassman, Manasse, Abadi, Gautheier, Sobalvarro, The millicent protocol for inexpensive electronic commerce
QuoteRef: gligVD11_1979 ;;Gligor, Lindsay, Object migration and authentication
QuoteRef: glusRJ5_1989 ;;Glushko, Transforming text into hypertext for a compact disc encyclopedia
QuoteRef: godeK_1931 ;;Godel, On formally undecidable propositions of Principia mathematica and related systems I
QuoteRef: godeP1_1997 ;;Godefroid, Model checking for programming languages using VeriSoft
QuoteRef: goldA10_1995 ;;Goldberg, Why Smalltalk?
QuoteRef: goldA3_1976 ;;Smalltalk-72 Instructional Manual
QuoteRef: goldA_1986 ;;Goldberg, Programmer as reader
QuoteRef: goldCF6_1981 ;;Goldfarb, A generalized approach to document markup
QuoteRef: goldD3_1991 ;;Goldberg, What every computer scientist should know about floating-point arithmetic
QuoteRef: goldD4_1993 ;;Goldberg, Richardson, Touch-typing with a stylus
QuoteRef: goldD6_1992 ;;Goldberg, The design of floating-point data types
QuoteRef: goldEP8_1982 ;;Goldenberg, Logo- a cultural glossary
QuoteRef: goldHH_1948 ;;Goldstine, von Neumann, Planning and coding of problems for an electronic computing instrument, Report on the mathematical and logical aspects of a electronic computing instrument
QuoteRef: goldO10_1986 ;;Goldreich, Goldwasser, Micali, How to construct random functions
QuoteRef: goldO11_2001 ;;Golman, What are checked exceptions?
QuoteRef: goldR_1985 ;;Goldman, Design of an interactive Manipulator Programming Environment
QuoteRef: goldY11_1992 ;;Goldberg, Safran, Shapiro, Active Mail--a framework for implementing groupware
QuoteRef: gomaH11_1982 ;;Gomaa, Martello, A partially automated method for testing interactive systems
QuoteRef: gonnGH7_1981 ;;Gonnet, Coding Benchmark for Utopia84
QuoteRef: goodDI_1974 ;;Good, Provable programs and processors
QuoteRef: goodFL_1981 ;;Goodman, Computers and the future of literacy
QuoteRef: goodJB12_1975 ;;Goodenough, Exception handling: issues and a proposed notation
QuoteRef: goodJB2_1976 ;;Goodenough, Shafer, A study of high level language features
QuoteRef: goodJB8_1976 ;;Goodenough, An exploratory study of reasons for HOL object code inefficiency entries
QuoteRef: goodJB_1968 ;;Goodenough, The comparison of programming languages: a linguistic approach
QuoteRef: goodJB_1977 ;;Goodenough, Gerhart, Toward a theory of testing: Data selection criteria
QuoteRef: goodM6_1981 ;;Good, Etude and the folklore of user interface design
QuoteRef: goodMD10_1984 ;;Good, Whiteside, Wixon, Jones, Building a user-derived interface
QuoteRef: gopaRD7_2001 ;;Gopal, Ramesh, Zionts, Criss-cross hash joins: design and analysis
QuoteRef: gordRD3_1979 ;;Gordon, Measuring improvements in program clarity
QuoteRef: gordRM3_1990 ;;Gordon, letter to the editor
QuoteRef: goslJ6_1997 ;;Gosling, The feel of Java
QuoteRef: gottA4_1983 ;;Gottlieb, Lubachevsky, Rudolph, Basic techniques for the efficient coordination of very large numbers of cooperating sequential processors
QuoteRef: goudMG5_1998 ;;Gouda, Accelerated heartbeat protocols
QuoteRef: goulJD3_1985 ;;Gould, Lewis, Designing for usability: Key principles and what designers think
QuoteRef: goulJD4_1987 ;;Gould, et al. Why reading was slower from CRT displays than from paper
QuoteRef: goulJD8_1987 ;;Gould, Boies, Levy, Richards, Schoonard, The 1984 olympic message system: A test of behavioral principles of system design
QuoteRef: goulJD9_1973 ;;Gould, Some psychological evidence on how people debug computer programs
QuoteRef: grahRM2_1973 ;;Graham, Clancy, DeVancy, A software design and evaluation system
QuoteRef: gramFT7_1978 ;;Grampp, Letter to the editor
QuoteRef: granCA12_1971 ;;Grant, Syntax translation with context macros, or macros without arguments
QuoteRef: granRL_1970 ;;Granger, Robinson, COMSL- a communication system simulation language
QuoteRef: grayDN5_1998 ;;Gray, Hotchkiss, LaForge, Shalit, Weinberg, Modern languages and Microsoft's component object model
QuoteRef: grayJC_1973 ;;Gray, Tomlinson, The L* data language
QuoteRef: grayJN6_1986 ;;Gray, An approach to decentralized computer systems
QuoteRef: graySH2_1989 ;;Gray, Shasha, To link or not to link? Empirical guidance for the design of nonlinear text systems
QuoteRef: greeR9_1995 ;;Green, Topical relevance relationships, I. Why topic matching fails
QuoteRef: greeTJ_1979 ;;Greer, Writing and understanding U. S. Patent claims
QuoteRef: greeTR_1980 ;;Green, Programming as a cognitive activity
QuoteRef: gremLL9_1982 ;;Gremillion, Designing a Bloom filter for differential file access
QuoteRef: grieD7_1990 ;;Gries, letter to the editor
QuoteRef: grieD_1971 ;;Gries, Compiler construction for digital computers
QuoteRef: grieD_1979 ;;Gries, Current ideas in programming methodology
QuoteRef: grieD_1981 ;;Gries, The Science of Programming
QuoteRef: grifG7_1987 ;;Grifiths, Stones, The tea-leaf reader algorithm: An efficient implementation of CRC-16 and CRC-32
QuoteRef: grigPF3_1972 ;;Griggith P.F. Henry, An investigatory study into human problem solving capabilities as they relate to program efficiency
QuoteRef: grimJD5_1982 ;;Grimes, presentation
QuoteRef: grimR2_2001 ;;Grimm, Bershad, Separating access control policy, enforcement, and functionality in extensible systems
QuoteRef: grisRE4_1979 ;;Griswold, Hanson, Korb, The Icon programming language: An overview
QuoteRef: grisRE4_1980 ;;Griswold, Hanson, An alternative to the use of patterns in string processing
QuoteRef: grisRE_1972 ;;Griswold, The Macro Implementation of SNOBOL4
QuoteRef: grocJM_1982 ;;Grochow, Application generators: an introduction
QuoteRef: grosAD4_1991 ;;Gross, Getty synoname: the development of software for personal name pattern matching
QuoteRef: grosR5_2000 ;;Grossi, Vitter, Compressed suffix arrays and suffix trees with applications to text indexing and string matching
QuoteRef: grovLJ11_1982 ;;Groves, Using simple English sentences to call procedures
QuoteRef: grudJ12_2002 ;;Grudin, Group dynamics and ubiquitous computing
QuoteRef: grudJ9_1988 ;;Grudin, Why CSCW applications fail: Problems in the design and evaluation of organizational interfaces
QuoteRef: grunL10_1981 ;;Grune, From VW-grammar to ALEPH
QuoteRef: gudeE9_1980 ;;Gudes, The design of a cryptography based secure file system
QuoteRef: gullWE2_1979 ;;Gull, Jenkins, Recursive data structures in APL
QuoteRef: gunnIE7_1979 ;;Gunn, Morrison, On the implementation of constants
QuoteRef: guptR3_1993 ;;Gupta, Optimizing array bound checks using flow analysis
QuoteRef: guptR3_1994 ;;Gupta, Smolk, Bhaskar, On randomization in sequential and distributed algorithms
QuoteRef: gursAF4_1974 ;;Gurski, Towards a high-level job control language
QuoteRef: gutkJ9_1985 ;;Gutknecht, Concepts of the text editor Lara
QuoteRef: gutmP1_1998 ;;Gutmann, Software generation of practically strong random numbers
QuoteRef: gutmP7_1996 ;;Gutmann, Secure deletion of data from magnetic and solid-state memory
QuoteRef: gutmP8_2002 ;;Gutmann, PKI: It's not dead, just resting
QuoteRef: guttJV12_1974 ;;Guttag, Dyadic specification and its impact on reliability; in
QuoteRef: guttJV9_1985 ;;Guttag, Horning, Wing, The Larch family of specification languages
QuoteRef: habeAN6_1975 ;;Habermann, Path expressions
QuoteRef: habeRN5_1970 ;;Haber, How we remember what we see
QuoteRef: hagmR_1987 ;;Hagmann, Reimplementing the Cedar File system using logging and group commit
QuoteRef: hainDP3_1997 ;;Haine, Claris Organizer's expanding contact card
QuoteRef: halaF2_1994 ;;Halasz, Schwartz, The Dexter Reference Model
QuoteRef: halaFG4_1987 ;;Halasz, Moran, Trigg, NoteCards in a nutshell
QuoteRef: halaFG7_1988 ;;Halasz, Reflections on Notecards: Seven issues for the next generation of hypermedia systems
QuoteRef: haleS8_1999 ;;Halevi, Krawczyk, Public-key cryptography and password protocols
QuoteRef: haliU7_1991 ;;Halici, Dogac, An optimistic locking technique for concurrency control in distributed databases
QuoteRef: hallA9_1990 ;;Hall, Seven myths of formal methods
QuoteRef: hallDE9_1980 ;;Hall, Scherrer, Sventek, A virtual operating system
QuoteRef: hallH_1992 ;;Hall, Phenomenology
QuoteRef: hallJC5_1974 ;;Hallyburton, Advanced data structure manipulation facilities for the SNOBOL 4 programming language
QuoteRef: hallPA12_1980 ;;Hall, Dowlink, Approximate string matching
QuoteRef: hallW1_1994 ;;Hall, Ending the tyranny of the button
QuoteRef: hallWE5_1986 ;;Hall, Zweben, The Cloze procedure and software comprehensibility measurement
QuoteRef: halpMI1_1968 ;;Halpern, Toward a general processor for programming languages
QuoteRef: halpMI_1966 ;;Halpern, Foundations of the case for natural language programming
QuoteRef: halsMH_1975 ;;Halstead, Toward a theoretical basis for estimating programming effort
QuoteRef: hamePG9_1982 ;;Hamer, Frewin, M.H. Halstead's software science -- A critical examination
QuoteRef: hamiJ2_2003 ;;Hamilton, Language interpretation in the Common Language Runtime
QuoteRef: hamiM3_1976 ;;Hamilton, Zeldin, Higher order software--A methodology for defining software
QuoteRef: hamiM_1978 ;;Hamilton, Zeldin, Reliability in terms of predictability
QuoteRef: hamlD12_1990 ;;Hamlet, Partition testing does not inspire confidence
QuoteRef: hammL9_1997 ;;Hammond, Nayfeh, Olukotun, A single-chip multiprocessor
QuoteRef: hanaS8_1980 ;;Hanata, Satoh, COMPACT CHART -- A program logic notation with high describability and understandability
QuoteRef: handP_1981 ;;Handlykken, Nygaard, The DELTA system description language: Motivation, main concepts and experience from use
QuoteRef: haneFM_1972 ;;Haney, Module connection analysis-- a tool for scheduling software debugging activities
QuoteRef: hanfKV_1973 ;;Hanford, Jones, Dynamic syntax: A concept of the definition of the syntax of programming languages
QuoteRef: hansDR11_1979 ;;Hanson, A simple technique for controlled communication among separately compiled modules
QuoteRef: hansDR1_1990 ;;Hanson, Fast allocation and deallocation of memory based on object lifetimes
QuoteRef: hansDR3_1978 ;;Hanson, Event associations in Snobol4 for program debugging
QuoteRef: hansDR3_1978a ;;Hanson, Data structures in SL5
QuoteRef: hansDR5_1978 ;;Hanson, The SL5 procedure mechanism
QuoteRef: hansDR5_1978a ;;Hanson, Filters in SL5
QuoteRef: hansDR6_2001 ;;Hanson, Proebsting, Dynamic variables
QuoteRef: hansDR8_1999 ;;Hanson, A machine-independent debugger--revisited
QuoteRef: hansPB6_1994 ;;Hansen, Multiple-length division revisited: a tour of the minefield
QuoteRef: hansR_1987 ;;Hanson, Toward hypertext publishing. Issues and choices in database design
QuoteRef: hansWJ10_1992 ;;Hansen, Subsequence references: First-class values for substrings
QuoteRef: hansWJ9_1988 ;;Hansen, Haas, Reading and writing with computers: A framework for explaining differences in performance
QuoteRef: harbS2_1991 ;;Haber, Stornetta How to time-stamp a digital document
QuoteRef: harbSP3_1982 ;;Harbison, An architectural alternative to optimizing compilers
QuoteRef: hareD1_1992 ;;Harel, Biting the silver bullet. Toward a brighter future for system development
QuoteRef: hareD5_1988 ;;Harel, On visual formalisms
QuoteRef: harmDE5_1991 ;;Harms, Weide, Copying and swapping: Influences on the design of reusable software components
QuoteRef: harrJ10_1998 ;;Harris, Sarkar, Lightweight object-oriented shared variables for distributed applications on the Internet
QuoteRef: hartPE6_2003 ;;Hart, Liu, Trust in the preservation of digital information
QuoteRef: hartPH12_2001 ;;Hartel, Moreau, Formalizing the safety of Java, the Java virtual Machine, and Java Card
QuoteRef: hartSP10_1993 ;;Harter, Nisonger, Weng, Semantic relationships between cited and citing articles in library and information science journals
QuoteRef: harvW10_1997 ;;Harvey, Stuckey, Borning, Compiling constraint solving using projection
QuoteRef: haskJA8_1984 ;;Haskett, Pass-algorithms: A user validation scheme based on knowledge of secret algorithms
QuoteRef: hattL10_1994 ;;Hatton, Roberts, How accurate is scientific software?
QuoteRef: hattL11_1997 ;;Hatton, N-version design versus one good version
QuoteRef: hattL3_1997 ;;Hatton, Reexamining the fault density--component size connection
QuoteRef: hattL5_1998 ;;Hatton, Does OO sync with how we think?
QuoteRef: hausHL3_1981 ;;Hausen, Mullerburg, Conspectus of software engineering environments
QuoteRef: hausRC11_1994 ;;Hauser, Does licensing require new access control techniques?
QuoteRef: hauzBM10_1986 ;;Hauzeur, A model for naming, addressing, and routing
QuoteRef: hawtPB1_1982 ;;Hawthorn, DeWitt, Performance analysis of alternative database machine architectures
QuoteRef: hayePJ_1982 ;;Hayes, Uniform help facilities for a cooperative user interface
QuoteRef: heckP4_1978 ;;Heckel, A technique for isolating differences between files
QuoteRef: heckP8_1982 ;;Heckel, Communication is the key
QuoteRef: heckP_1984 ;;Heckel, The Elements of Friendly Software Design
QuoteRef: heddA10_1989 ;;Heddaya, Hsu, Weihl, Two phase gossip: managing distributed event histories
QuoteRef: heerJ4_1985 ;;Heering, Klint, Towards monolingual programming environments
QuoteRef: hehnEC2_1984 ;;Hehner, Predicative Programming Part 1
QuoteRef: hehnEC3_1978 ;;Hehner, On removing the machine for the language
QuoteRef: hehnEC3_1983 ;;Hehner, Silverberg, Programming with grammars: an exercise in methodology-directed language design
QuoteRef: hehnEC4_1979 ;;Hehner, ??do?? considered ??od??: A contribution to the programming calculus
QuoteRef: hehnEC7_1975 ;;Hehner, Merlin: Towards an ideal programming language
QuoteRef: hehnEC_1977 ;;Hehner, Structuring
QuoteRef: hehnEC_1977a ;;Hehner, A simple view of variables and parameters
QuoteRef: heinDL6_2003 ;;Heine, Lam, A practical flow-sensitive and context-sensitive C and C++ memory leak detector
QuoteRef: heinN6_2001 ;;Heintze, Tardieu, Ultra-fast aliasing analysis using CLA: A million lines of C code in a second
QuoteRef: heinP_1972 ;;Hein, Grooks 4
QuoteRef: hekmS9_1986 ;;Hekmatpour, Ince, Forms as a language facility
QuoteRef: hemmD3_1988 ;;Hemmendinger, Unfair process scheduling in Modula-2
QuoteRef: hempCG_1951 ;;Hempel, Empiricist criteria of cognitive significance: problems and changes
QuoteRef: hendDA7_1986 ;;Henderson, Card, Rooms: The use of multiple virtual workspaces to reduce space contention in a window-based graphical user interface
QuoteRef: hendP9_1975 ;;Henderson, Snowdon, Gorrie, King, The TOPD system
QuoteRef: heniKL1_1980 ;;Heninger, Specifying software requirements for complex systems: New techniques and the application
QuoteRef: hennJ3_1982 ;;Hennessy, Jouppi, Baskett, Gross, Gill, Hardware/ Software tradeoffs for increased performance
QuoteRef: hennMA3_1984 ;;Hennell, Hedley, Riddell, Assessing a class of software tools
QuoteRef: hennMA7_1980 ;;Hennell, Prudom, A static analysis of the NAG library.
QuoteRef: henzMR7_1999 ;;Henzinger, King, Randomized fully dynamic graph algorithms with polylogarithmic time per operation
QuoteRef: herlM11_1993 ;;Herlihy, A methodology for implementing highly concurrent data objects
QuoteRef: herlM1_1991 ;;Herlihy, Wait-free synchronization
QuoteRef: hestSD10_1981 ;;Hester, Parnas, Utter, Using documentation as a software design medium
QuoteRef: hewiC4_1985 ;;Hewitt, The challenge of open systems
QuoteRef: hewiC7_1986 ;;Hewitt, Offices are open systems
QuoteRef: hewiC8_1977 ;;Hewitt, Baker, Laws for communicating parallel processes
QuoteRef: heydA6_2000 ;;Heydon, Levin, Yu, Caching function calls using precise dependencies
QuoteRef: heyeM_1986 ;;Heyer, The creative challenge of CD ROM
QuoteRef: hickM6_2001 ;;Hicks, Moore, Nettles, Dynamic software updating
QuoteRef: hillMD8_1998 ;;Hill, Multiprocessors should support simple memory-consistency models
QuoteRef: hillWD12_1986 ;;Hillis, Steele, Data parallel algorithms
QuoteRef: hillWD_1985 ;;Hillis, The Connection Machine
QuoteRef: hiltSR7_1985 ;;Hiltz, Turoff, Structuring computer-mediated communication systems to avoid information overload
QuoteRef: hincK9_1998 ;;Hinckley, Pausch, Proffitt, Kassell, Two-handed virtual manipulation
QuoteRef: hintG_1984 ;;Hinton, Some computational solutions to Bernstein's problems
QuoteRef: hoarCA10_1973 ;;Hoare, Recursive data structures
QuoteRef: hoarCA10_1974 ;;Hoare, Monitors: An operating system structuring concept
QuoteRef: hoarCA11_1972 ;;Hoare, Wirth, An axiomatic definition of the programming language Pascal
QuoteRef: hoarCA1_1962 ;;Hoare, QUICKSORT
QuoteRef: hoarCA2_1974 ;;Hoare, Lauer, Consistent and complementary formal theory of the semantics of programming languages
QuoteRef: hoarCA8_1978 ;;Hoare, Communicating sequential processes
QuoteRef: hoarCA8_1986 ;;Hoare, Mathematics of Programming
QuoteRef: hoarCA8_1987 ;;Hoare, Hayes, Jifeng, Morgan, Roscoe, Sanders, Sorensen, Spivey, Sufrin, Laws of programming
QuoteRef: hoarCA9_1987 ;;Hoare, An overview of some formal methods for program design
QuoteRef: hoarCA_1973 ;;Hoare, Hints on programming language design
QuoteRef: hoarCA_1974 ;;Hoare, Hints on Programming language design
QuoteRef: hoarCA_1985 ;;Hoare, Communicating Sequential Processes
QuoteRef: hobbT_1651 ;;Leviathan, or the matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill
QuoteRef: hoffCM3_1989 ;;Hoffmann, The problems of accuracy and robustness in geometric computation
QuoteRef: hoffD7_2000 ;;Hoffman, Strooper, Prose + Test Cases = Specification
QuoteRef: hofsDR_1979 ;;Hofstadter, Godel, Escher, Bach; an Eternal Golden Braid
QuoteRef: hogbD10_1971 ;;Hogben, Peavy, Varner, Omnitab II. User's reference manual
QuoteRef: hollGH12_1971 ;;Holloway, Interpreter/compiler integration in ECL
QuoteRef: holtAW11_1966 ;;Holt, The importance of not treating a computer system as a person
QuoteRef: holtAW11_1980 ;;Holt, A Mathematical Model of continuous discrete behavior
QuoteRef: holtAW11_1981 ;;Holt, Cashman, Designing systems to support cooperative activity: An example from software maintenance management
QuoteRef: holtAW2_1974 ;;Holt, The design of a computer-based communication system
QuoteRef: holtAW3_1967 ;;Holt, The personification of computers
QuoteRef: holtAW3_1979 ;;Holt, Roles and activities. A system for describing systems
QuoteRef: holtAW5_1958 ;;Holt, General purpose programming systems
QuoteRef: holtAW5_1983 ;;Holt, Ramsey, Grimes, Coordination system technology as the foundation for programming environments
QuoteRef: holtAW8_1977b ;;Holt, Choice and Cause: A formal analysis based on Petri-nets
QuoteRef: holtAW8_1977c ;;Holt, Concurrency and Choice
QuoteRef: holtAW9_1968 ;;Holt, et. al. Final Report for the INFORMATION SYSTEMS THEORY PROJECT
QuoteRef: holtAW_1970 ;;Holt, Commoner, Events and conditions
QuoteRef: holtAW_1979 ;;Holt A.W. Net models of organizational systems. In theory and practice
QuoteRef: holtAW_1997 ;;Holt, Organized activity and its support by computer
QuoteRef: holzGJ11_2002 ;;Holzmann, The logic of bugs
QuoteRef: holzGJ2_1988 ;;Holzmann, An improved protocol reachability analysis technique
QuoteRef: holzGJ5_1997 ;;Holzmann, The model checker SPIN
QuoteRef: holzGJ5_1999 ;;Holzmann, Smith, A practical method for verifying event-driven software
QuoteRef: honeSK_1986 ;;Honey, White, Cartographic databases
QuoteRef: hopfJJ4_1982 ;;Hopfield, Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities
QuoteRef: horiY_1973 ;;Hori, Kano, Kamigama, Korzumi, High level language for the generation of telephone switching tasks
QuoteRef: hornAJ9_2001 ;;Hornof, Visual search and mouse-pointing in labeled versus unlabeled two-dimensional visual hierarchies
QuoteRef: hortMR10_1986 ;;Horton, Standard for interchange of USENET messages
QuoteRef: hortMR9_1986 ;;Horton, How to read the network news
QuoteRef: hoshJ7_1998 ;;Hoshen, A graph theoretical method for the management and synchronization of large software updates
QuoteRef: howaJH2_1988 ;;Howard, Kazar, Menees, et al Scale and Performance in a distributed file system
QuoteRef: howdWE12_1989 ;;Howden, Validating programs without specifications
QuoteRef: howdWE1_1990 ;;Howden, Comments analysis and programming errors
QuoteRef: hsiaP11_1993 ;;Hsia, Davis, Kung, Status report: Requirements engineering
QuoteRef: huanJC_1977 ;;Huang, Error detection through program testing
QuoteRef: huffDA9_1952 ;;Huffman, A method for the construction of minimum-redundancy codes
QuoteRef: hughJA11_1992 ;;Hughes, Faltering from ethnography to design
QuoteRef: huiLC11_1993 ;;Hui, Martel, Unsuccessful search in self-adjusting data structures
QuoteRef: hullJJ3_2001 ;;Hull, Hart, Toward zero-effort personal document managements
QuoteRef: hullTE9_1988 ;;Hull, Cohen, Sawchuk, Wortman, Exception handling in scientific computing
QuoteRef: humeA11_1991 ;;Hume, Sunday, Fast string searching
QuoteRef: humeD_1739 ;;Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature
QuoteRef: huntA1_2003 ;;Hunt, Thomas, The art of enbugging
QuoteRef: huntA_2000 ;;Hunt, Thomas, The Pragmatic Programmer
QuoteRef: huntG6_1977 ;;Hunter, Kuriyan, Wallis, The advantages of stream output procedures over format-dominated record transmissions
QuoteRef: huntJG1_1979 ;;Hunt, Messages in typed languages
QuoteRef: huntJJ4_1998 ;;Hunt, Vo, Tichy, Delta algorithms: an empirical analysis
QuoteRef: huntS9_1987 ;;Hunting, Meeting report
QuoteRef: hutcEL_1986 ;;Hutchins, Hollan, Norman, Direct manipulation interfaces

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