ThesaHelp: references g-h
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Group: naming
Topic: unique names
Topic: hierarchical naming
Topic: using a description as a name
Topic: alias names
Topic: group names
Topic: names defined by context
Topic: access to objects by a path
Topic: using an address as a name
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Hauzeur, B.M.,
"A model for naming, addressing, and routing",
ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, 4, 4, October 1986, pp. 293-311.
295 ;;Quote: names are characterized by structure, time, and number
| 295 ;;Quote: a primitive or flat name is a unique designator for an object; it has no internal structure
| 295 ;;Quote: a partitioned name is a hierarchy of domains to a specific object; domains must not overlap
| 296 ;;Quote: a descriptive name is a list of attributes that identifies an object
| 296 ;;Quote: a dynamic name is assigned to an object for a limited period of time relative to its lifetime
| 296 ;;Quote: a group name denotes a set of entities while an individual or specific name denotes a single entity
| 296 ;;Quote: names depend on context to resolve ambiguity
| 297 ;;Quote: a route is a list of names giving a path from source to destination
| 299 ;;Quote: an address allows generation of route; it must be bound; e.g., a telephone number is the name of a telephone set for a person
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l (241 items)
Group: naming (32 topics, 784 quotes)
Topic: unique names (57 items)
Topic: hierarchical naming (28 items)
Topic: using a description as a name (21 items)
Topic: alias names (39 items)
Topic: group names (16 items)
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