
Topic: unique names

topics > Group: naming

a single system image
alias names
existence of database entities
global declarations and variables
hierarchical naming
name server or name directory
names as rigid designators
names defined by context
naming by pointing or recognition
naming conventions
object-defined names
owned resources and data objects
unique numeric names as surrogates
version identification


A unique name is absolute within a name universe. Unlike relative names which depend upon context, an unique name is the same wherever it is used. This simplifies optimization and automation while providing a single frame of reference. (cbb 12/88)
Subtopic: identity up

Quote: users must securely identify objects and actions; if not, an untrusted program can spoof a trusted one [»yeeKP12_2002]
Quote: identification requires continuity of identity and discrimination of distinct items
Quote: it is hard for a program to guarantee uniqueness, data type consistency, and initialization [»stroB_1994]

Subtopic: unique name as identity up

Quote: global object model for PeopleWeb based on a common identity for objects, individuals, and attributes [»ramaR8_2007]
Quote: representations should map one-to-one with real things [»kentW_1978]
Quote: an ideal representation gives every entity a unique symbol that acts as its surrogate [»kentW1_1984]
Quote: uniqueness is required when an agent can't otherwise distinguish objects [»kentW1_1984]
Quote: an absolute name means the same thing when given to another client [»oppeDC7_1983]
Quote: if entities need uniqueness then their names should be unique [»senkME1_1973]
Quote: uniqueness of an object depends only on its external relations; exactly the opposite of a value [»maclBJ12_1982]
Quote: a unique, system-wide name for an object provides world-wide, transparent access and simple directories
Quote: a primitive or flat name is a unique designator for an object; it has no internal structure [»hauzBM10_1986]
Quote: in a denoting phrase, 'the' becomes an uniqueness qualification; makes for involved rewordings [»russB_1956]
Quote: a representation is complete if there is one for every member of a type, otherwise are facts [»kentW1_1984]
Quote: need path names for access and unique ids for equality testing [»hewiC8_1977]
Quote: an information management system needs a unique id or key for objects; time-invariant [»theoCI3_1991]
Quote: except for local names, a name should refer to only one type, value, function, or object in a program [»stroB_1991]
Quote: an object is anything that has a unique identifier; e.g., an immutable tag or a memory address [»taivA4_1993]

Subtopic: global name space up

Quote: permanent V objects are named with a character-string and object manager prefix
Quote: software components should have strong names; includes a simple, readable name, a GUID, version, owner, language, cultural region, processor and platform constraints [»meijE10_2002]
Quote: use a public originator key instead of a GUID; use to sign a component assembly [»meijE10_2002]
Quote: name space should be global instead of localized to each host computer; ok if embedded in a naming hierarchy [»watsRW_1981]
Quote: Smalltalk names objects within a private address space while Unix uses a shared file system; Unix has many more organizational productivity tools [»coxBJ7_1983]
Quote: in HANDS, all cards have a unique, case-insensitive name; temporary names available

Subtopic: capability as identity up

Quote: capabilities provide a unique, secure, system-wide, fixed length name for each object [»taneAS12_1990]

Subtopic: icon as identity up

Quote: a user icon identifies the user; you don't need the corresponding linear name [»smitDC_1982]
Quote: Star's user icons provide unique names for individuals; maintained by Clearinghouse [»smitDC_1982]

Subtopic: proper names as identity up

Quote: Clearinghouse uses legal names for people to reduce ambiguities [»oppeDC7_1983]
Quote: even if people have the same legal name in a domain, pick unique names [»oppeDC7_1983]

Subtopic: relations as identity up

Quote: if an entity is the unique association of entities it can be named by their respective names [»senkME1_1973]
Quote: Modeler uses uniquely named, immutable objects which contain the names of other objects [»lampBW6_1983]

Subtopic: database identity up

Quote: the primary key plus table name uniquely identifies every row of a relational database; integrity is not enforced by other models [»coddEF_1990]
Quote: a primary key is one or more domains that uniquely identifies tuples of a relation [»coddEF6_1970]
Quote: the relational model uses user-defined and user-controlled primary keys as unique and permanent identifiers
Quote: a database uniquely identifies every object [»coddEF_1990]
Quote: all users identify database objects in exactly one way, whether abstract, concrete, entities, or relationships [»coddEF_1990]
Quote: RM/T augments the relational model with system-assigned surrogates for entities [»coddEF12_1979]

Subtopic: hierarchical unique names up

Quote: a file directory consists of unique, file name entries; root directory at top [»daleRC_1965]
Quote: each object directory has a unique global name prefix

Subtopic: timestamped names up

Quote: a Modeler name is made unique by appending a unique id [timestamp] to a descriptive name [»lampBW6_1983]

Subtopic: examples up

Quote: every Clearinghouse object has an absolute, distinguished name [»oppeDC7_1983]
Quote: every e-mail message has a unique identifier [»hortMR10_1986]
Quote: a Forth word is identified by length and first three characters
Quote: a macro instance number allows the creation of unique identifiers [»memorex, OK]
Quote: unique user-ids in Unix made it easy to move users between systems
Quote: unique user-ids in Unix allowed communication between systems without compromising file security [»doloTA7_1978]
QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;11/3/73 Have all labels unique
Quote: Pegasus objects have unique ids and one or more types; may change types dynamically [»ahmeR12_1991]
Quote: V has globally unique, entity ids for processes, process groups, and ports; now 32-bits, will be 64-bits [»cherDR3_1988]
Quote: the V kernel has a large range of fixed, well-known group IDs; e.g., for file servers [»cherDR4_1984]
Quote: each Modeler object has a unique name; the name is stored with the object [»lampBW6_1983]
Quote: Modeler uses immutable objects with unique names; allows name to be used in place of text [»lampBW6_1983]

Subtopic: problems with relative names up

Quote: even though relative naming is simpler, absolute naming has clear advantages [»oppeDC7_1983]
Quote: in uucp, relative naming prevents routing optimization; disallows name forwarding [»suZS8_1982]

Subtopic: objects without names up

Quote: each idea is unique
Quote: often things do not have individual, unique names, e.g., a nail [»kentW_1978]
Quote: in a distributed system, the same name may be used by different users for different objects, and different names may be used for the same object [»liskB10_1981]

Subtopic: non-unique names up

Quote: nonunique representations commonly occur in data; discriminated by local conventions

Related Topics up

Topic: a single system image (30 items)
Topic: alias names (39 items)
Topic: existence of database entities (19 items)
Topic: global declarations and variables (33 items)
Topic: hierarchical naming (28 items)
Topic: name server or name directory (40 items)
Topic: names as rigid designators (43 items)
Topic: names defined by context (36 items)
Topic: naming by pointing or recognition (13 items)
Topic: naming conventions (8 items)
Topic: object-defined names (15 items)
Topic: owned resources and data objects (12 items)
Topic: unique numeric names as surrogates (67 items)
Topic: version identification
(12 items)

Updated barberCB 3/05
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