ThesaHelp: ACM references a-e
ThesaHelp: references c-d
Group: database model
Topic: unique numeric names as surrogates
Topic: unique names
Topic: database keys and indexing
Topic: entity-relationship database model
Topic: representing a relationship
Topic: restricted and extended types
Topic: type hierarchy
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Codd, E.F.,
"Extending the database relational model to capture more meaning",
ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 4, 4, pp. 397-434, December 1979.
formal system called RM/T
abstract ;;Quote: the molecular semantics for a database searches for meaningful units larger than n-ary relationships
| abstract+ ;;Quote: the atomic semantics for a database searches for meaningful units that are as small as possible
| 409 ;;Quote: RM/T augments the relational model with system-assigned surrogates for entities
| 409+ ;;Quote: the relational model uses user-defined and user-controlled primary keys as unique and permanent identifiers
| 409+ ;;Quote: problems with user-controlled keys as permanent surrogates: can be changed, different keys for same entity, entities without keys
| 409+ ;;Quote: with user-controlled keys, an equi-join on common key values may be different that a join on common entities
| 411 ;;Quote: RM/T uses characteristic and associative types to define cartesian aggregations, unconditional generalizations, and alternative generalizations
| 411+ ;;Quote: in RM/T, characteristic entity types describe entities of some other type; subordinate role
| 411+ ;;Quote: in RM/T, associative entity types interrelate entities of other types; superordinate role
| 411+ ;;Quote: in RM/T, kernel entity types or sub-types are neither characteristic nor associative types
| 411 ;;Quote: RM/T inner kernel entity types are not subtypes of any other type; independently defined
| 411+ ;;Quote: entities of a subtype of an entity type are necessarily entities of the parent type
| 412 ;;Quote: RM/T has nonentity associations for relations which are not themselves objects; a single n-ary relation without characteristic entities
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ThesaHelp: references c-d (337 items)
Group: database model (15 topics, 314 quotes)
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