Topic: using a computer as a communication/information medium
Topic: hypertext as a global database
Group: user interface for hypertext
Topic: semi-structured text
Topic: World-Wide Web
Topic: searching the Web
Topic: text trails through hypertext
Topic: unique names
Topic: text markup and structured text
Topic: attribute-value pairs as information
Topic: shared information for collaborative work
Topic: personal information
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Ramakrishnan, R., Tomkins, A.,
"Toward a PeopleWeb",
Computer, August 2007, pp. 63-72.
abstract ;;Quote: the PeopleWeb combines a global object model with a portable user context; better online communities and information discovery
| 63 ;;Quote: structured data is an important sector of the Web; e.g., eBay hosted 2.4 billion listings in 2006
| 63 ;;Quote: click streams and attentional metadata outweighs all other metadata; about 46 billion clicks per day worldwide
| 64 ;;Quote: global object model for PeopleWeb based on a common identity for objects, individuals, and attributes
| 64 ;;Quote: persona and social networks should persist between Web sites; unless a user assumes a different persona
| 65 ;;Quote: less than 52 pentabyes of textual information entered manually per year; a company can store all of this information
| 66 ;;Quote: online metadata consists of links (anchor text), tags of pictures or URLs, page views (access logs), and free-form reviews or comments
| 68 ;;Quote: cross-site identity and credentials form a social universe; can not recreate the social network for every new site
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