
Topic: attribute-value pairs as information

topics > computer science > Group: information

data structures
relationship information

associative memory
data as a named set of data objects
data record
electronic mail headers
forms as a UserInterface
fundamental concepts such as type, attributes, relationships are all the same
information retrieval with queries
information retrieval by searching
list processing
knowledge representation
knowledge representation by frames
manual indexing
name of a relationship
object-oriented fields
object-oriented objects
objects as a set of attributes
parameter passing by keyword or position
programming with forms
property sheets for objects
representing a relationship
semi-structured text
semistructured messages for automated processing
symbol table
text markup and structured text
Thesa data model


A common way of storing data is by attribute-value pairs. This allows the data to be self-defining and incremental. An attribute (or property) identifies the attribute's value to a user. Associated with an attribute is a type (part of its meaning). The main problem is that all users need to agree on attribute names and their meanings. They are widely used in LISP. Clearinghouse is based on attribute-value pairs associated with names. (cbb 5/89, 1/90)
Subtopic: information as attributes up

Quote: much of information is the attributes of things [»kentW_1978]
Quote: observed or measured information about an entity or relationship is expressed as a set of attribute-value pairs [»chenPP3_1976]
Quote: attributes of an object are annotations to the nodes of the directed graph representing the system [»handP_1981]
Quote: data in relational database addressed by relation name, attribute name, and primary key [»coddEF2_1982]
Quote: a form defines a value as a set of bindings for the value's attributes [»maclBJ12_1983]
Quote: the definition of word consists of its type and an attribute list (its meaning) [»bennRK7_1976]
Quote: all names are attribute names since variables, procedures, etc. are attributes of the environment [»maclBJ12_1983]
Quote: Hypertext, frame-based AI systems, and object-based systems are similar: typed, slotted, linked entities [»halaFG7_1988]

Subtopic: name-value pairs up

Quote: use attribute-value pairs to express properties of entities and relationships; e.g., "age of x is 24" [»chenPP_1977b]
Quote: use name-value pairs for object initialization; e.g., new Country(Name="Monaco", ...) [»bierGM10_2007]
Quote: the front of a HANDS card has a list of name-value pairs; the back has a string, number, or image file [»paneJF9_2002]
Quote: every HANDS card has name-value pairs for cardname, x, y, back, speed, direction; automatic display and animation

Subtopic: attributes as primary data structure up

Quote: Piccola unifies all notions of namespaces as first-class forms, e.g., records, dictionaries, objects, environments, packages; avoids meta-programming [»acheF9_2000]
Quote: Piccola forms are immutable mappings of keyword-value pairs; extension, projection, and iteration [»acheF9_2000]
Quote: for each Smalltalk class, methods for the class type and list of properties [»goldA3_1976]
Quote: a representation of a REST resource consists of data and metadata as name-value pairs, metadata describes data and sometimes metadata
Quote: an entity description consists of triplets of name set (COLOR NAME), role name (COLOR OF PART), and an entity name (BLUE) [»senkME1_1973]
Quote: in a flag computer, only data structure is a set of index/element pairs [»hehnEC3_1978]
Quote: data structures by a set of ordered pairs: index/element [»hehnEC_1977]
QuoteRef: katzJ12_1971 ;;24 "An object is an aggregate of 6 t values [basic and derived data types] called the attributes of that object
QuoteRef: chenPP3_1976 ;;14 entities: employee with attributes employee-no. Name, age relationship: project-worker with attribute percentage of time
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;1 entities made up of attributes, function attributes with subscripts para
Quote: HAM identifies nodes and links by attribute-value pairs [»bigeJ3_1988]
QuoteRef: buxtJN_1962 ;;194 each object is a collection of attributes, states, and data

Subtopic: attributes as tuple up

Quote: a tuple value is an array of typed, attribute-value triples; its typed attributes is the heading; its length is the degree [»dateCJ_1998]
Quote: use '(a, b)' for a tuple or pair of values; used for multiple return values, error returns, simple data structures [»dorwSM1_1997]
Quote: all data in LEAP by triples for 'attribute of object is value' [»rovnPD_1968, OK]

Subtopic: shared attribute up

Quote: global object model for PeopleWeb based on a common identity for objects, individuals, and attributes [»ramaR8_2007]

Subtopic: attributes as slots up

Quote: the slot of an AM unit is like an attribute/value pair where the value need not be stored explicitly [»lenaDB10_1982]
Quote: EURISKO uses a large number of specialized slots; allows a condition to be an atom in some slot instead of bulky, if/then rules [»lenaDB10_1982]
Quote: in EURISKO, each kind of slot has a unit that describes it; used in building a knowledge base [»lenaDB3_1983]
Quote: an EURISKO heuristic is 20-30 slots with a line or two of code, an atom, or a short list [»lenaDB8_1984]
Quote: a Self object consists of slots; a slot has a string name and any Self object) [»ungaD10_1992]

Subtopic: attributes as annotation up

Quote: mutable attributes defined for Vesta objects in mutable directories; not visible during builds; e.g., whether a directory is a check-out session or package, who created a package, what is the previous version [»heydA_2006]
Quote: Vesta access control by attributes assigned to an object or parent directory; similar to Unix; e.g., user@realm, ^group@realm, #owner, #group, #mastership-to [»heydA_2006]
Quote: Presto uses attributes to annotate documents with their features; may be added by users or the result of content searches [»dourP6_1999]
Quote: extend UML with stereotypes (new elements), tagged values (new attributes), and constraints (new semantics) [»boocG_1999]
Quote: Comit qualifies constituents with a number and a list of attribute/value_list's [»sammJE_1969, OK]

Subtopic: attributes vs. elements up

Quote: use attributes for simple, single-valued, unordered data; e.g., boolean flags [»mcarG10_2002]

Subtopic: value as primary up

Quote: use "all ..." for queries; returns all cards with that value in any property; ignores trailing "s" [»paneJF9_2002]

Subtopic: expressing relationships up

Quote: use attributes to express relationships; allows navigational access instead of query access with intermediate objects [»borgA1_1985]

Subtopic: incremental definition up

Quote: with attributes, can incrementally define procedures, data, etc. [»cheaTE_1979]

Subtopic: name service, Clearinghouse up

Quote: in Clearinghouse, can get the set of properties assigned to a name [»oppeDC10_1981]
Quote: a Clearinghouse property has a name, a type and a value [»oppeDC7_1983]
Quote: Clearinghouse property names assigned by a naming authority (for ease of merging) [»oppeDC10_1981]
Quote: a name service maps an entity's name into a set of labeled properties; each value is a string; like Grapevine and Clearinghouse [»lampBW8_1985]

Subtopic: Fortran's namelist up

Quote: ANSI FORTRAN omitted the NAMELIST which is a indispensable feature for data input
Quote: a data file without names is meaningless; a NAMELIST gives the name for each data item [»branR9_1981]

Subtopic: other examples up

Quote: System.Attribute is an arbitrary type associated with an object; extends metadata, e.g., 'const' [»hamiJ2_2003]
Quote: L* items contain attributes, relations to other items or sets, and tags (e.g., male) [»grayJC_1973, OK]
Quote: USENET mail headers consist of 'keyword: value pairs' with comments in parentheses [»hortMR10_1986]
Quote: use properties for simple access to simple data with a simple computation [»cwalK_2006]
QuoteRef: gursAF4_1974 ;;131 defines variables with integer a (where:= disc, whichone:=DISCOL) for job control information.
QuoteRef: sammJE_1969 ;;584 Formula Algol: id of type form or symbol has description list of attributes and value eg r <- /[color: blue green] [processed: true]
QuoteRef: burrou_1972 ;;6-22 attributes associated with tasks e.g., t.status:=-1 terminates task T

Subtopic: problems with attributes up

Quote: any of the things in the real world can be represented by different strings in different fields
Quote: design software for ease of change; be explicit; e.g., an explicit field for number of dependents instead of a keyword-value pair

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Topic: fundamental concepts such as type, attributes, relationships are all the same (37 items)
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Topic: information retrieval by searching (35 items)
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Topic: knowledge representation (41 items)
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Topic: manual indexing (19 items)
Topic: name of a relationship (5 items)
Topic: object-oriented fields (28 items)
Topic: object-oriented objects (39 items)
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Topic: programming with forms (26 items)
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(23 items)

Updated barberCB 4/04
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