Topic: access by pattern matching
Topic: attribute-value pairs as information
Topic: database queries, joins, and relational algebra
Topic: definition by example
Topic: information retrieval by relevance
Topic: information retrieval by searching
Topic: information retrieval with an index
Topic: relational database
Topic: searching hypertext
Topic: signature files
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A query is a request for information. It may consist of one or more terms, phrases, and boolean connectives. Google has proved the effectiveness of exact matching of all terms and phrases in a query.
Queries may be restricted to a category or site. They may be successively revised. Query terms may be weighted. (cbb 10/07)
Subtopic: query type
Quote: nine query types for frequently-asked medical questions; e.g., treatment-problems and problem-preventive-actions [»pratW7_1999]
| Subtopic: precision vs. recall
Quote: high precision if narrow query, low precision if wide query [»saltG7_1986]
| Quote: iterative search by identifying relevant and irrelevant documents; augment query with keywords from relevant documents [»saltG4_1970]
| Subtopic: interactive retrieval
Quote: the STAIRS study used interactive retrieval; searchers could revise their queries until they believed that they had retrieved all of the documents they wanted [»blaiDC1_1996]
| Subtopic: inclusion/exclusion lists
Quote: a Presto document collection is the documents in its inclusion list, plus those matching its query, minus those in its exclusion list [»dourP6_1999]
| Subtopic: query by example
Quote: in Lisa List, data formatting and querying done by example; can build expressions [»stewG3_1983]
| Quote: a record file is a collection of fields; can display records in a table or as a form with fields; query by example [»smitDC4_1982]
| Subtopic: queries for monitoring
Quote: use TQuel for specifying monitored information by specifying the content of derived relations
| Subtopic: implementation of queries
Quote: assign a abstraction signature to each message; a query scans the signature file and rejects nonqualifying messages [»faloC7_1987]
| Subtopic: weighting terms of a query
Quote: better information retrieval if weight words by frequency of use [»krovR4_1992]
| Quote: TF.IDF weighting for query words uses the frequency of a term in the document and its inverse frequency in the collection
| Quote: no clear advantage for weighting query words by the number of senses they have [»krovR4_1992]
| Subtopic: problems with term weighting
Quote: vector space model does not work well on the web; returns short documents [»brinS4_1998]
| Subtopic: problems with queries
Quote: specific queries are inappropriate for broad information needs with many relevant documents [»pratW7_1999]
| Quote: query word sense mismatches are far more likely to appear in nonrelevant documents than for relevant documents [»krovR4_1992]
| Quote: link analysis algorithms find the Web context of a query; locate highly relevant pages that do not contain the actual query words [»boroA2_2005]
| Quote: problem of manipulating search engines for profit; e.g., metadata is easily abused since it is invisible [»brinS4_1998]
| Quote: 6% of Excite users used AND or "..."; 1% used parentheses [»jansBJ1_1998]
Related Topics
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Topic: information retrieval by searching (35 items)
Topic: information retrieval with an index (32 items)
Topic: relational database (35 items)
Topic: searching hypertext (17 items)
Topic: signature files (21 items)