ThesaHelp: references i-l
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Topic: problem of assigning names
Topic: information retrieval with an index
Topic: semantic networks
Topic: alias names
Topic: thesaurus and information retrieval
Topic: dictionary for natural language
Topic: names defined by context
Topic: information retrieval with queries
Topic: information retrieval by relevance
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Krovetz, R., Croft, W.B.,
"Lexical ambiguity and information retrieval",
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 10, 2, pp. 115-141, April 1992.
116 ;;Quote: words are ambiguous and a document can be relevant without using words from the query; concepts more important
| 116 ;;Quote: a thesaurus represents the relations between word senses rather than words; be careful when expanding query words with a thesaurus
| 119 ;;Quote: collocation and syntax identified the senses of "danger" in approximately 70% of the examined cases
| 119 ;;Quote: people can often disambiguate words with only a few words of context, and frequently, only one word is needed
| 121 ;;Quote: developing a lexicon for disambiguation is expensive; e.g., 8 person-years for 5,000 words
| 124 ;;Quote: query words are more ambiguous than words in a document
| 124 ;;Quote: better information retrieval if weight words by frequency of use
| 124+;;Quote: TF.IDF weighting for query words uses the frequency of a term in the document and its inverse frequency in the collection
| 138 ;;Quote: no clear advantage for weighting query words by the number of senses they have
| 139 ;;Quote: query word sense mismatches are far more likely to appear in nonrelevant documents than for relevant documents
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