QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;; alphabetic manual with formats, description, examples simple to complex, and thorough notes excellent
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;1 entities made up of attributes, function attributes with subscripts para
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;7 both alternate forms and noise words
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;14 System attribute routines and variables categorized by extension, e.g., .a for attribute.
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;31 Monitored variables-- routine executed whenever accessed (left or right hand side or both)
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;32 subprogram variables and arrays eg let subr= 'sqrt.f' which can be referenced by call or indirection ($subr===sqrt.f
45 ;;Quote: Simscript has an 'accumulate' statement of automatically collecting statistics or a histogram
53 ;;Quote: in Simscript, can annotate statements with operations to perform before or after statement
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;57 Simscript uses ''comment_string
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;57 heading section of report generator executed each new page with Page I First testing for first one.
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;58 handles multiple column page reports by Begin report printing column-indexing-clause in groups of number-of-columns-to-do-at-once [per pagefor each group on a new page
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;62 Break event-name ties by high/low attribute-name-to-be-compared then by high/low... for scheduling priority when two events of same class at same time
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;64 in calls separates "given" (or subscript indices) parameters and "yielding" parameters
67 ;;Quote: Simscript allows the same operation name applied to different entities
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;68 reduction over a set or collection by e.g., for i=1 to 10, compute total = sum of x(i)
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;71 Create entity creates and allocates storage (zeros attributes) for an instance of entity class and returns pointer in global variable of same name (if different name use Create entity Called variable)
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;72 permanent entities in Simscript allocated by Create Each airport with count from attribute n.airport or from subscript on airport which sets n.airport
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;74 describe routines and variables separately from definition eg how many arguments, storage class etc
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;77 define a set by describing it as a queue or stack or set, optional ranking attribute (s) without certain routings and attributes
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;79 set attributes include first entry pointer, pred, succ, routines include file by ranking or at head, insert before and after (for sets as queues)
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;83 ranked sets always maintain order
97 ;;Quote: Simscript allows functions on lhs of replace; called with an extra argument
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;102 define events routine to generate event notices (with optional parameters default is notice destroyed when used
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;103 "every" defines entity, attribute and set structure for all entities and event notices
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;110 external event cards cause event at certain time (can pass data)
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;116 File to put entity into a set (how determined by set definition
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;118 Find clause after for loop returns first satisfying index, can specify action if found or not otherwise falls through
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;121 For each entity and For each set-name (can give starting location or reverse order)
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;123 specified positive or negative indexing in a for loop
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;138 Last column is ... any chars beyond are comments
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;141 listing routines to list all attributes for all entities of a permanent class (facility can be globally turned off)
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;150 Move from .. and move to .. for accessing a monitored variable
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;152 Normally ... for default typing
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;156 before "every" declarations goes switch to tell what class eg Permanent Entities
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;169 can specify attribute as producing random numbers
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;204 scheduling an event to occur