Quote: use "all ..." for queries; returns all cards with that value in any property; ignores trailing "s" [»paneJF9_2002]
Quote: ring operations to insert, remove, copy, foreach forward/backward; no special cases for empty and one member rings [»suthIE5_1963]
QuoteRef: buxtJN_1962 ;;95 FOR I seta over all value in seta
QuoteRef: chamDD_1971 ;;264 quoted name means execute for each value in tuple
QuoteRef: earlJ4_1974 ;;35 have existential (there exists) and universal for all operators over sets.o
QuoteRef: feldJA8_1969 ;;443 FOREACH x IN sons DO MAKE father.x==john
QuoteRef: feldJA8_1969 ;;444 FOREACH father. (father.x) ==z DO MAKE granddad.x==z xz are local
QuoteRef: kayAC6_1968 ;;33 a as set or list, sets a to next value and returns true if it exists for use in for statement while statement do statement
QuoteRef: grisRE4_1979 ;;21 "the 'every construct produces all alternatives of an expression and evaluates a 'do clause for each alternative. An example is every i := (1|3|7) do f(i)"
QuoteRef: hehnEC7_1975 ;;21 standard control functions eg for name in sectorlist
QuoteRef: simscrip_1971 ;;121 For each entity and For each set-name (can give starting location or reverse order)
QuoteRef: sammJE_1969 ;;574 for v in y does for each element in list y
QuoteRef: sammJE_1969 ;;574 for v on y does for each list contained in y (starts with y itself)
QuoteRef: markHM_1963 ;;40 Simscript has a for all operator
QuoteRef: sammJE_1969 ;;226 sum i=1(1)10: i*2 == i**2, also prod for