Topic: foreach and for all statements
ThesaHelp: references c-d
Topic: tuples
Topic: data flow languages
Group: input/output
Topic: generalized repetition
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Chamberlin, D.D.,
"The 'single-assignment' approach to parallel processing",
AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference, 39, pp. 253-262, 1971.
QuoteRef: chamDD_1971 ;;263 each variable assigned only once. when parts are defined expression is computed by a free processor
| QuoteRef: chamDD_1971 ;;263 Tuple: ordered list of numbers or tuples
| QuoteRef: chamDD_1971 ;;264 i/o by each element with a tag
| QuoteRef: chamDD_1971 ;;265 loops where initialize variables and repeat when all of loop is done
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