
Topic: tuples

topics > mathematics > Group: sets

associative memory
collection class
data record
function results
information as facts
relational database
set construction
uniform data model


A tuple is an ordered set of objects or a row of a data table. While a tuple's components are not explicitly named, context determines their identify. Since sets and records are not ordered, they are not tuples, but it is easy to convert between these representations. Sets, records, and tuples are often used interchangeably.

A tuple may represent a fact, a relationship, a return value, or a set of values that belong together. Tuples may be a universal data type (e.g., Linda). (cbb 4/06)

Subtopic: result tuple up

Quote: a C-- procedure may return a tuple of results [»ramsN6_2000]
Quote: use '(a, b)' for a tuple or pair of values; used for multiple return values, error returns, simple data structures [»dorwSM1_1997]
Quote: a database query returns a network path, i.e., a set of tuples [»rohdWF12_1979, OK]

Subtopic: tuple as universal type up

Quote: Linda based on a tuple space which any process can read or write tuples [»geleD1_1985]
Quote: every type in ML, including list constructors, can be defined in terms of tuple and function types; predefined types for efficiency [»readC_1989]

Subtopic: database tuples up

Quote: each row of a relational table represents a tuple; ordering is immaterial; all rows are distinct [»coddEF_1990]
Quote: a relational database returns tuples for a query; applications may send updates to the database [»smitKE10_1987]
Quote: database tuples are independently understood while knowledge system nodes need prerequisites [»shasD_1985]
Quote: a database relation is a set of tuples, without duplicates [»dateCJ_1998]
Quote: relational algebra expresses queries as operations on a relation; relational calculi as predicates that tuples must satisfy [»wegnP10_1986]
Quote: the relational model defines relationships in two ways: by symbol matching in joins and by coexistence in a tuple [»kentW_1978]

Subtopic: tuple as data record up

Quote: a Linda tuple is a series of typed fields, e.g., strings and numbers [»carrN4_1989]
Quote: Linda specifies a tuple by a template; values match exactly while parameters match the data type [»carrN4_1989]
Quote: a tuple value is an array of typed, attribute-value triples; its typed attributes is the heading; its length is the degree [»dateCJ_1998]

Subtopic: tuple as key up

Quote: DTrace aggregates data at the source by CPU; keyed by arbitrary n-tuple; periodically aggregated across CPUs [»cantB2_2006]

Subtopic: tuple of tuples up

QuoteRef: chamDD_1971 ;;263 Tuple: ordered list of numbers or tuples

Subtopic: tuple operations up

Quote: apply a xector of functions to all tuples with common xector indices; e.g., (.alpha.+ '{a->1 b->2} '{b-3 c->2}) => {b->5} [»hillWD_1985]

Related Topics up

Topic: associative memory (5 items)
Topic: collection class (11 items)
Topic: data record (57 items)
Topic: function results (7 items)
Topic: information as facts (21 items)
Topic: lists (8 items)
Topic: relational database (35 items)
Topic: set construction (20 items)
Topic: uniform data model
(19 items)

Updated barberCB 5/05
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