
QuoteRef: kentW_1978

topics > all references > ThesaHelp: references i-l

references i-l
limitations of artificial intelligence and cognitive science
the effect of scale
what is a computer
artificial intelligence
problem of assigning names
database as a model of reality
entity-relationship database model
using a computer as a communication/information medium
symbolic representation
problem of classifying information
fundamental concepts such as type, attributes, relationships are all the same
heterogeneous database
database change management
Thesa compiler and loader
database schema
kinds of relationships between data
database record
existence of database entities
data type by lexical constraints
objects as a set of attributes
unique names
facts as relationships between entities
hypertext links
information retrieval
alias names
names defined by context
using a description as a name
objects without names
configuration management
unique numeric names as surrogates
names independent of objects
hypertext nodes
database entities
private language argument for skepticism about meaning
fact-based analysis for database design
object and value equivalence
relationship information
descriptive naming
name of a relationship
restricted and extended types
roles of a relationship
data type as a set of variables
database consistency and reliability
representing a relationship
relationship as an object
attribute-value pairs as information
Thesa data model
data as a named set of data objects
value as an abstraction
number representation
data type
non-exclusive data type
set construction
set definition by extension or intension
data type as a set of values
models of reality
database model


Kent, W., Data and reality, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1978. Google


lines 100-continued at kentW_1978x

vi ;;Quote: information may be too ambiguous and subjective to be embodied in a computer
vii ;;Quote: the real mystique of computers is their elaborate behavior from limited capabilities
viii ;;Quote: problems aggravated in computerized data bases since fewer conversations about the data
1 ;;Quote: a database models a small, finite subset of the real world
1 ;;Quote: database entities correspond to real entities
2 ;;Quote: information in a database is part of a communication process between people; with translations to and from formal languages
2 ;;Quote: resemblance between a database's contents and the original information depends on a common understanding of what references mean
3 ;;Quote: when are two things instances of the same thing
3 ;;Quote: in a bibliography, each book is an entity; in a library each copy of book is an entity
4 ;;Quote: a manual may be a 'book' in one library, but not a book in another (because it has a soft cover)
5 ;;Quote: the boundaries and extent of a classification can be arbitrary
6 ;;Quote: words are ambiguous because we must use a finite set to communicate a non-denumerable set of concepts
12 ;;Quote: in a mystery, the murderer and butler are separate entities; afterwards they are the same
13 ;;Quote: there is not a natural set of categories; a system defines its categories
13 ;;Quote: the same piece of information can be a category, an attribute, or a relationship; e.g., parents and children
13 ;;Quote: a person on leave may be an employee for benefits but not for payroll
17 ;;Quote: even though a database doesn't model reality, it is still useful
19 ;;Quote: a database models the way people process information about reality
25 ;;Quote: with an integrated database, new applications can borrow data already collected for other applications
25+ ;;Quote: changes in an integrated database are automatically made everywhere
28 ;;Quote: in traditional databases, data files and their descriptions are stored separately
31 ;;Quote: data which can be extracted from a system is not necessarily stored in the system
32 ;;Quote: the meaning of a field in a data record is usually implicit; e.g., joe smith and 95
32 ;;Quote: a database model is how users get to know and agree upon the meaning of data items
33 ;;Quote: list test for existence: if symbol on a list, then it exists
34 ;;Quote: syntactic checks for existence: a symbol is numeric, alphabetic, fixed length
34 ;;Quote: syntactic test of existence works for numbers, but not for strings, e.g., addresses
34 ;;Quote: correspondence between database model and real world is rather ad hoc
38 ;;Quote: can't represent a thing by its description; due to its relationships to other things
39 ;;Quote: representations should map one-to-one with real things
39 ;;Quote: linked representations and the existence of representations is the fundamental basis for representing information
40 ;;Quote: information associated with a representative must be asserted explicitly
41 ;;Quote: an information system is for entering and extracting information about entities
41 ;;Quote: a person has many names
42 ;;Quote: a name can be meaningless unless you know its category, e.g., Colt
43 ;;Quote: a person's name may have several correct spellings
43 ;;Quote: in Hawaii, people often use first few syllables of long last names
47 ;;Quote: qualified names resolves ambiguities by defining context; scope can be nested
49 ;;Quote: often things do not have individual, unique names, e.g., a nail
50 ;;Quote: qualified names, e.g., an employee's children, has problems of uniqueness, singularity, no qualifier, changing qualifier
53 ;;Quote: names do change
53 ;;Quote: how and how long should you handle references to old names or synonyms
54 ;;Quote: when versions are available, is it one object (the current version) or many versions
54 ;;Quote: a surrogate stands for a real thing within a system; its symbols can be different
55 ;;Quote: use objects and links to represent things; use character strings for description and communication
55 ;;Quote: with surrogates, symbolic names can be described independently of real objects
55 ;;Quote: a thing object is a node on a graph; its label may be changed, deleted, or duplicated
56 ;;Quote: names can have different relationships to things; e.g., legal name, maiden name, descriptive name
56 ;;Quote: a particular day is a single concept, but its names come in various forms
56 ;;Quote: by separating objects and names can have different types of names for the same thing, e.g., legal name and employee number
56 ;;Quote: with surrogates, can avoid confusing assertions about real things, about names, and about relationships
57 ;;Quote: in ordinary communication, the ability to stretch and modify meanings is essential
59 ;;Quote: a fact consists of identifying a relationship between surrogates
59 ;;Quote: surrogates are globally unique
59 ;;Quote: surrogates are information free; they do not imply additional information
59 ;;Quote: surrogates are atomic, unstructured units
59 ;;Quote: with surrogates, a fact is an association of surrogates that correspond to objects in the fact
60 ;;Quote: when are two names the same; equality testing by match, surrogate, list, and procedural
60 ;;Quote: in the match test, two names are the same only if they are identical
60 ;;Quote: in the surrogate test, two names are the same only if the reference the same surrogate
60 ;;Quote: in the list test, two names are the same if they occur on the same list of synonyms
60 ;;Quote: in the procedural test, two names are the same if a procedure says so
60 ;;Quote: if aliases are supported, which name is returned in answering a question
63 ;;Quote: almost everything in an information system is a relationship
63 ;;Quote: a relationship is a set of associations between things for a given reason
63 ;;Quote: the name of a relationship is a statement of a reason for an association
63 ;;Quote: an important part of a relationship is the reason for an association
64 ;;Quote: a relationship could be between an object and a set of objects, but Kent does not pursue this option
64 ;;Quote: a domain is the set of things that can occur in a given role of a relationship
65 ;;Quote: a relationship is specified by a set of roles; the degree of a relationship is the set's size
65 ;;Quote: a database model should allow arbitrary combinations of constraints on relationships
67 ;;Quote: a role can be constrained to a single domain, several domains, or unconstrained
66 ;;Quote: a relationship direction can map one to one (simple) or one to many (complex)
68 ;;Quote: even though both roles of a relationship can have the same domain, a thing may or may not be related to itself
68 ;;Quote: a relationship may be optional or mandatory for all objects in a domain
68 ;;Quote: a system may allow only one relationship between each pair of domains
70 ;;Quote: a relationship may be transitive
70 ;;Quote: a relationship may be symmetric; but such relationships are seldom supported
71 ;;Quote: a relationship can be anti-symmetric
71 ;;Quote: a relationship may be composed from other relationships
71 ;;Quote: a relationship may be a subset of another relationship
71 ;;Quote: a one-many relationship may have a maximum size
72 ;;Quote: a relationship instance may have attributes or relationships of its own
72 ;;Quote: a system should be able to list the relationships for an object or a pair of objects
72 ;;Quote: a relationship may have no name, one name, or a name for each direction
75 ;;Quote: every computable procedure represents a relationships
75 ;;Quote: an ordering between objects is a computed relationship
76 ;;Quote: even though uncle is derived from father and brother, sometimes only know the uncle relationship
76 ;;Quote: computed relationships are not modifiable; instances can be infinite, without attributes or relations
77 ;;Quote: much of information is the attributes of things
79 ;;Quote: attributes and relationships are the same kind of information
80 ;;Quote: a value, e.g., 'six feet', is an entity with many representations
82 ;;Quote: categories and attributes are the same kind of information
85 ;;Quote: things are classified into types for naming scope, validity constraints, and relationship domains; groups are mutually exclusive
88 ;;Quote: types should be non-exclusive
90 ;;Quote: minimal set predicate: the set of things having relationship x to object y
90 ;;Quote: a type is the abstract idea of a set (its intension), not its contents
90 ;;Quote: traditional set theory defines sets by their contents -- not relevant to types
91 ;;Quote: a set can be object that is related to its members
93 ;;Quote: a model or world view is a basic system of constructs used to describe reality
93 ;;Quote: a model shapes and limits our view of reality; it can distort reality to make it fit the view
94 ;;Quote: existing database models are highly structured, rigid, and simplistic
95 ;;Quote: corporations are defining their database schemas; this will be a major asset
97 ;;Quote: some authors equate signs with information, but lose the meaning of that information
98 ;;Quote: hierarchical, relational, and network models are variations of the data record model

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