
Topic: data type as a set of variables

topics > computer science > data > Group: data type


data type as a set of operations
data type by access rights
data type by name or tags
data types in Thesa
non-exclusive data type
object-oriented data types
type checking by trademark


A data type is a set of variables or objects which can be freely substituted as a parameter. The sets are non-exclusive. With this definition, a data type can be anything, e.g., all objects with a name and birth-date field. This is equivalent to saying that data type is a name, trademark, or type reference that is associated with each object in a set. (cbb 1/90 2/93)
Subtopic: type as variables up

Quote: a data type is a class of variables that can be substituted in some restricted context; hence, a class of modes [»parnDL3_1976]
Quote: a variable could belong to many types; may be difficult to understand [»parnDL3_1976]
Quote: variables have the same mode if they have the same data representation and data access; can freely substitute variables or generate code [»parnDL3_1976]
Quote: a programming language should be able to group modes into abstract types almost arbitrarily
Quote: categories are defined by patterns; includes data types, classes, procedures, and functions [»handP_1981]
Quote: a domain is the set of things that can occur in a given role of a relationship [»kentW_1978]

Subtopic: type as assumptions up

Quote: all procedures make assumptions about the form of data they manipulate [»robsD8_1981]
Quote: a data type is an equivalence class of variables with the same permitted contexts [»parnDL3_1976]
Quote: in an improperly functioning system, procedures can get unexpected data [»robsD8_1981]

Subtopic: type completeness up

Quote: with type-completeness, can define declaration in terms of parameter/argument bindings
Quote: in a type-complete language, any expression can be parameterized with respect to any free name

Related Topics up

Group: parameters   (10 topics, 145 quotes)

Topic: data type as a set of operations (38 items)
Topic: data type by access rights (20 items)
Topic: data type by name or tags (29 items)
Topic: data types in Thesa (92 items)
Topic: non-exclusive data type (16 items)
Topic: object-oriented data types (29 items)
Topic: type checking by trademark
(13 items)

Updated barberCB 5/04
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