Group: information
Topic: database entities
Topic: execution of hypertext nodes
Topic: graphs
Topic: hypermedia
Topic: hypertext links
Topic: hypertext nodes as facts
Topic: hypertext nodes made of names
Topic: hypertext rhetoric
Topic: problem of classifying information
Topic: problems with fragmentation in hypertext
Topic: programming with a database of modules
Topic: Thesa as a database of modules
Topic: semi-structured text
Topic: text markup and structured text
Topic: size of hypertext nodes
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A node (page, frame, window, note card) is the unit of information in hypertext. It represents a topic, an idea, a fact, a picture, etc. A node represents an object which is related to other objects. It provides a conceptual anchor. (cbb 1/88)
Subtopic: hypertext node as information
Quote: Hypertext nodes are pools of information collected in an anthology [»carlPA_1988]
| Quote: a document is anything that someone (its owner) wishes to store [»nelsTH_1987]
| Quote: pages are the basic unit of information in HYPERTEXT; corresponds to an output screen [»wardDL_1981]
| Quote: each NoteCards card contains a title and arbitrary digital information
| Subtopic: nodes as a conceptual anchor
Quote: a thing object is a node on a graph; its label may be changed, deleted, or duplicated [»kentW_1978]
| Quote: in Thoth, nodes are a conceptual anchor for links to text and other nodes [»collGH11_1987]
| Subtopic: nodes as text pages or table
Quote: an IGD leaf node is a graphical page; while internal nodes are chapters [»feinS3_1988]
| Quote: the Hypertext editing system used text areas which could be interlinked [»vandA9_1971]
| Quote: PROMIS paragraphs were primary data containers; tables had a fixed sentence structure for displays, entities, facts [»waltPL11_1979]
| Quote: a PROMIS table is data for a problem, procedure, or entity [»schuJR9_1979, OK]
| Quote: PROMIS tables for controlling frame display and sequencing, describing entities, documenting facts
| Quote: TEXTNET chunk has date, author, keywords, status, and text pointer [»trigRH1_1986]
| Quote: a KMS frame contains text, graphics and image items; maybe linked to another frame or program [»akscRM7_1988a]
| Quote: a KMS frame: title, tree items, command items, name, body, annotation items [»akscRM7_1988a]
| Quote: new Xanadu units built from new material and material in other units; arbitrary links [»nelsTH_1987]
| Quote: a Dexter hypertext is made of components, i.e. an atom, a link between (parts of) components, or a composite of components [»halaF2_1994]
| Subtopic: composite node of related nodes and links
Quote: composite node aggregates related nodes and links; can be collapsed into an icon [»conkJ9_1987]
| Subtopic: node as a window
Quote: hypertext nodes displayed as windows with the node's name or title [»conkJ9_1987]
| Subtopic: problems with nodes
Quote: XML doesn't handle links; the division of the data world into chunks depends on the person and purpose [»boswA10_2005]
Related Topics
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Topic: hypertext nodes as facts (6 items)
Topic: hypertext nodes made of names (13 items)
Topic: hypertext rhetoric (17 items)
Topic: problem of classifying information (42 items)
Topic: problems with fragmentation in hypertext (13 items)
Topic: programming with a database of modules (94 items)
Topic: Thesa as a database of modules (23 items)
Topic: semi-structured text (17 items)
Topic: text markup and structured text (25 items)
Topic: size of hypertext nodes (8 items)