ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: hypertext nodes
Topic: hypertext as a global database
Topic: information as knowledge
Topic: hypertext links
Topic: cross reference and hierarchical links in hypertext
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Schultz, J.R. , Davis, L. ,
"The technology of PROMIS ",
Proceedings of the IEEE , 67 , 9 , pp. 1237-1244 , September 1979 , authors at PROMIS Laboratory, Univ. of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05401. .
1242 ;;Quote: a PROMIS table is data for a problem, procedure, or entity
| 1242 ;;Quote: PROMIS frames contain medical knowledge
| 1242+ ;;Quote: PROMIS frames are interrelated in a network; with links displayed in frame
| 1242 ;;Quote: statistics on PROMIS's comprehensive coverage of medical information
| 1242 ;;Quote: 60 journals regularly reviewed for adding to PROMIS with cross-references and continuous auditing
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Topic: cross reference and hierarchical links in hypertext (9 items)