
Topic: information as knowledge

topics > computer science > Group: information

hypertext as a global database
information as facts
information services
knowledge as interrelated facts
models of reality
understanding systems


Knowledge is a synthesis and assimilation of information. While information may be stored as data, knowledge is more difficult to capture. Words may transfer knowledge, but it takes a mind to understand the words.

Knowledge can be tenuous and lost. (cbb 11/07)

Subtopic: knowledge as synthesis and assimilation up

Quote: to promote knowledge, must assist in assimilation and synthesis of facts into knowledge [»weisP6_1960]
Quote: an encyclopedic system must be enormously flexible to transform knowledge into understanding [»kochM_1967]
Quote: natural growth by intake, digestion into pieces, assimilation, and utilization [»weisP6_1960]
Quote: organic growth reorganizes foreign material; i.e., assimilation instead of accretion [»weisP6_1960]
Note: information is language and hence public; not private as in object-oriented programming [»cbb_1990, OK]
Quote: information retrieval systems should help assimilate and weld knowledge; impart understanding; serve the nonspecialist [»kochM_1967]
Quote: PROMIS evolves as knowledge and understanding its consequences evolve [»waltPL11_1979]
Quote: digital information becomes stripped of context; will ubiquitous computing destroy the here and now of meetings? [»grudJ12_2002]
Quote: information is knowledge as transmitted to a sentient being; [»loseRM3_1997]
Quote: victory requires knowledge of earth, heaven, the other, and oneself [»tzuS_180]

Subtopic: knowledge as implementation and evaluation up

Quote: a paper is good for technology transfer if its technique was implemented and evaluated [»boehBW_1979]
Quote: the mind is the key agent for human knowledge, evaluation, and invention [»weisP6_1960]
Quote: knowing something is neither infallible nor opinion; allows others to act and accept responsibility [»pitkHF_1972]

Subtopic: knowledge as responsibility up

Quote: knowing something implies responsibility for it being so; allows others to act on our knowledge
Quote: knowledge is certain cognition of something that is true [»ockhW_1310]

Subtopic: storing knowledge up

Quote: PROMIS frames contain medical knowledge [»schuJR9_1979]

Subtopic: losing knowledge over time up

Quote: institutions lose collective information with time and personnel turnover [»dedeCJ1_1988]

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Topic: understanding systems
(48 items)

Updated barberCB 7/04
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