Topic: military and war
Topic: information as knowledge
Topic: government
Topic: managing people
Topic: proper names
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Tzu, S.,
The Art of War, from the bamboo text, c.a., 180 B.C.E., in The Denma Translation Group (ed.),
The Art of War, The Denma Translation, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Shambhala, 2002,
3 ;;Quote: the military is a great matter of the state
| 11 ;;Quote: taking a state whole, without battle, is best
| 13 ;;Quote: comparative size determines the strategy of attack; e.g., avoid the enemy if too small
| 14 ;;Quote: knowing victory is fivefold--when, comparative size, unified, prepared, in charge
| 17 ;;Quote: assure victory prior to battle
| 29 ;;Quote: an army without supplies is lost; avoid thin supply lines and long marches
| 32 ;;Quote: do not fight the high ground, the protected group, feigned defeat; leave a way out for defeated soldiers
| 44 ;;Quote: occupy the high ground and await the enemy; do not pursue; avoid the distant ground
| 48 ;;Quote: victory requires knowledge of earth, heaven, the other, and oneself
| 56 ;;Quote: feudal lords resist when enclosed, fight when no holding back, follow when overcome
| 57 ;;Quote: bind the multitude with deeds and harm instead of words and advantage; as if leading a single person, they can turn defeat into victory
| 58 ;;Quote: know the enemy's purpose, their vital point; a skillful deed can take whole, even at a distance
| 58 ;;Quote: on going to war, close the passes, plan at the highest level, and make decisions
| 59 ;;Quote: in battle, take advantage, attack what he loves, hide the time of battle, respond to the enemy
| 61 ;;Quote: avoid battle if not advantageous, not attainable, or not in danger
| 63 ;;Quote: spies are the treasure of the people's sovereign; know the nature of the enemy
| 65 ;;Quote: for spies, kinship, reward, sage, humane, secrecy; mortal consequences
| 65 ;;Quote: use spies to learn the names of all involved
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