
Topic: information as facts

topics > computer science > Group: information

database record
database schema
fact-based analysis for database design
facts as relationships between entities
frame problem
hypertext nodes as facts
information as knowledge
knowledge as interrelated facts
science as measurement
what is truth


A fact is specific, true information. For example, "it is raining today" is a fact about a particular day at a particular place.

Many facts are represented by rows in data tables. Continuing with the rain example, store the fact as a row with the city, state, country, and weather. (cbb 11/07)

Subtopic: information as facts up

Quote: a representation is complete if there is one for every member of a type, otherwise are facts [»kentW1_1984]
Quote: a text fragment contains one or more information units, i.e., an idea or fact [»shasD_1985]
Quote: information algebra deals with sets of points in a space; each entity has exactly one datum point in a given property space; e.g., (employee number, hourly payrate) [»bosaR4_1962]
Quote: an Agenda item is a single phrase or sentence that represents an idea, task, reminder, fact, etc. [»kaplSJ7_1990]
Quote: knowledge is certain cognition of something that is true [»ockhW_1310]
Quote: information is news or facts that has value to a recipient [»loseRM3_1997]
Quote: information must be new, true, and about something; not the messenger nor the message itself [»loseRM3_1997]
Quote: duplicate rows do not represent distinct objects; a fact is a fact; avoid redundancy [»coddEF_1990]

Subtopic: structure as fact up

Quote: define one and only one place for every fact
Quote: PROMIS tables for controlling frame display and sequencing, describing entities, documenting facts
Quote: PROMIS paragraphs were primary data containers; tables had a fixed sentence structure for displays, entities, facts [»waltPL11_1979]

Subtopic: data record == facts up

Quote: a record stores multiple, single-valued facts about the primary key, or it stores a multi-valued/n-ary fact [»kentW1_1985]
Quote: when possible, a data record should aggregate all facts about an entity [»kentW1_1984]
Quote: a reducible record can be decomposed such that the reconstruction does not introduce spurious data [»kentW_1978]
Quote: database entities which exist, will have single-valued facts associated with them
Quote: in fact-based data analysis, identify single-valued facts and multi-valued facts; don't distinguish entities, relationships, or attributes [»kentW1_1985]

Subtopic: inheritance up

Quote: a subtype inherits the properties and facts of its parent type [»kentW1_1984]

Subtopic: relevant facts up

Quote: problem solving requires restricting class of possibly, relevant facts and then choosing relevant ones [»dreyHL_1979]

Subtopic: facts as relations up

Quote: information is expressed by the connections among fields; e.g., a money field is connected to the salary of an employee

Subtopic: facts or hints up

Quote: depending on time scale the Clearinghouse holds either truth or hint [»oppeDC7_1983]

Subtopic: data dictionary up

Quote: a data dictionary documents each field by what it is, how it's represented, and why it's there; ties conceptual schema to database

Related Topics up

Topic: database record (22 items)
Topic: database schema (29 items)
Topic: fact-based analysis for database design (15 items)
Topic: facts as relationships between entities (22 items)
Topic: frame problem (13 items)
Topic: hypertext nodes as facts (6 items)
Topic: information as knowledge (17 items)
Topic: knowledge as interrelated facts (23 items)
Topic: science as measurement (36 items)
Topic: tuples (17 items)
Topic: what is truth
(67 items)

Updated barberCB 7/04
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