ThesaHelp: references sa-sz
Topic: problems with cognitive overhead of hypertext
Topic: size of hypertext nodes
Topic: problems with fragmentation in hypertext
Topic: tuples
Topic: computer as an intelligent agent
Topic: natural language translation
Topic: information as facts
Topic: hypertext nodes as facts
Topic: linearization of hypertext
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Shasha, D.,
"NetBook -- a data model to support knowledge exploration",
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Very Large Databases, 1985.
notes from NYU technical report
2 ;;Quote: a knowledge exploration schema may be huge and largely unknown
| 2 ;;Quote: nodes in a knowledge exploration system are much larger than tuples in a database
| 2 ;;Quote: database tuples are independently understood while knowledge system nodes need prerequisites
| 2 ;;Quote: natural language understanding systems answer questions like a human; uses a internal representation of text
| 2 ;;Quote: normal Hypertext systems do not linearize nodes for reading; nor do they help locate succeeding nodes
| 2+ ;;Quote: with just links, Hypertext users most wander through nodes looking for relevant information
| 3 ;;Quote: a text fragment contains one or more information units, i.e., an idea or fact
| 4 ;;Quote: covering a set of choice units by groups information units is NP-hard
| 15 ;;Quote: fragment theory defines decomposition criterion, partial order, linearization by coherency and prerequisites
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