
Topic: problems with cognitive overhead of hypertext

topics > computer science > hypertext > Group: problems with hypertext

electronic news and blogs
hypertext rhetoric
hypertext links
hypertext subsets, webs, and contexts
problem of information overload
problems with disorientation in hypertext


Hypertext demands more of the reader than linear text. With a book or an article, a reader normally goes from front to back, reading each paragraph in turn. With hypertext, readers skip about, browsing or reading whatever interests them. With hypertext, you are never done.

Blogs provide a linear view ordered by time. People are good at interleaving multiple linear views. (cbb 3/07)

Subtopic: cognitive overhead of hypertext up

Quote: cognitive overhead in Hypertext is the effort needed to juggle several tasks and trails
Quote: problems of Hypertext are disorientation and cognitive overhead [»conkJ9_1987]

Subtopic: literary contract up

Quote: non-linear text looses the literary contract: if the reader starts at the beginning, the text will flow smoothly [»shasD12_1987]
Quote: the literary contract minimizes redundancy, keeps a consistent sophistication, and is concise
Quote: normal Hypertext systems do not linearize nodes for reading; nor do they help locate succeeding nodes [»shasD_1985]

Subtopic: which links to follow? -- search up

Quote: Guide documents are like an adventure game where users must search for information [»sandE1_1987]
Quote: a knowledge exploration schema may be huge and largely unknown [»shasD_1985]
Quote: Hypertext is antiuser because essential facts can be hidden under alternate routes or unbrowsed text [»mendE3_1988]
Quote: many Hypertext links make it hard to determine which ones are useful [»maneS6_1987]
Quote: with just links, Hypertext users most wander through nodes looking for relevant information
Quote: reading a Hypertext requires choosing which links to follow; these metalevel decisions are not needed in linear texts [»conkJ9_1987]

Subtopic: when are you done? up

Quote: with normal Hypertext systems, no way to know when 'you are done'; and most alleys of exploration are blind [»maneS6_1987]

Subtopic: changing structure up

Quote: a Storyspace document must be read many times since the structure may change each time [»boltJD11_1987]

Subtopic: links require cognitive overhead up

Quote: Hypertext links require 'cognitive overhead' to create, name and keep track [»conkJ9_1987]
Quote: cognitive overhead since an association requires finding a word or phrase to summarize or suggest it or its relationship [»conkJ9_1987]
Quote: cognitive overhead since an association may require multiple links into the document [»conkJ9_1987]

Subtopic: blackboards and blogs up

Quote: blackboards enforce one person at a time; shared windows bring new demands on participants [»stefM1_1987]

Subtopic: importance of rapid access up

Quote: cognitive overhead in Hypertext is reduced by rapid access (KMS), short descriptions (Intermedia), and graphical browsers [»conkJ9_1987]
Quote: Hypertext access time is important since readers need to look at nodes to determine relevancy [»conkJ9_1987]

Subtopic: user studies up

Quote: in a study, users who followed Hypertext links made more mistakes, answered fewer questions, and took longer [»graySH2_1989]

Related Topics up

Topic: electronic news and blogs (25 items)
Topic: hypertext rhetoric (17 items)
Topic: hypertext links (45 items)
Topic: hypertext subsets, webs, and contexts (12 items)
Topic: problem of information overload (23 items)
Topic: problems with disorientation in hypertext
(18 items)

Updated barberCB 11/04
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