Topic: database queries, joins, and relational algebra
Topic: objects as a set of attributes
Topic: information as facts
Group: information
Topic: undefined, null, and other signal values
Topic: ordered data types
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Bosak, R., Clippinger, R.F., Dobbs, C., Goldfinger, R., Jasper, R.B., Keating, W., Kendrick, G., Sammet, J.E.,
"An information algebra. Phase 1 report--Language Structure Group of the CODASYL Development Committee",
Communications of the ACM, 5, 4, April 1962, pp. 190-204.
191 ;;Quote: information algebra deals with sets of points in a space; each entity has exactly one datum point in a given property space; e.g., (employee number, hourly payrate)
| 191 ;;Quote: every property value set includes two values: undefined (alpha) and missing (omega); distinguished from zero
| 196 ;;Quote: a glumping function groups by equality; e.g., orders for a part in a back order file (PartNum, QuantityOrdered, Date)
| 197 ;;Quote: relations, joins, and group-by deliberately ignore the notion of order; called "area", "bundling", and "glumping"
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Topic: ordered data types (8 items)