ThesaHelp: references i-l
Group: systems
Group: information
Topic: variables as objects which remember a value
Topic: information as facts
Topic: information as knowledge
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Losee, R.M.,
"A discipline independent definition of information",
Journal of the American Society of Information Science, 48, 3, pp. 254-269, 1997.
254 ;;Quote: information is the values within the outcome of a process; a variable has multiple values, without changing the type of system
| 255 ;;Quote: information is news or facts that has value to a recipient
| 255 ;;Quote: information must be new, true, and about something; not the messenger nor the message itself
| 255 ;;Quote: information is knowledge as transmitted to a sentient being;
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
Group: systems (17 topics, 526 quotes)
Group: information (46 topics, 1141 quotes)
Topic: variables as objects which remember a value (10 items)
Topic: information as facts (21 items)
Topic: information as knowledge (17 items)