Topic: computer as an intelligent agent
Topic: people vs. computers
Topic: expert systems
Topic: frame problem
Topic: heuristic-based systems
Topic: intelligent machines
Topic: knowledge representation
Topic: knowledge representation by frames
Topic: limitations of artificial intelligence and cognitive science
Topic: reality is a machine
Topic: people better than computers
Topic: production systems
Topic: thought is computational
Topic: Turing test
Group: relationship between brain and behavior
Topic: actor machines
Topic: artificial neuron nets
Topic: evolutionary systems
Topic: limitations of robots
Topic: logic programming
Topic: motion planning for robots
Topic: networks of relays
Topic: problem solving
Group: psychology
Topic: self-regulating systems
Topic: theorem proving systems
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is the construction of intelligent, computer-based systems. An AI system may play a game, solve problems, or act as a pet. AI systems tend to use heuristics, a search strategy, or lookup tables to avoid an exhaustive search of the possible solutions.
Chess is the classic game for AI. Attempts at Go are less successful. (cbb 6/06)
Subtopic: emergent behavior
Quote: the real mystique of computers is their elaborate behavior from limited capabilities [»kentW_1978]
| Subtopic: AI as problem solving
Quote: one form of artificial intelligence consists of solving problems that have required human intelligence [»parnDL12_1985]
| Quote: we need AI because intelligence is used to reduce intractable problems to manageable size; how do we do this? [»strzT5_1988]
| Subtopic: AI as imitating intelligence
Quote: another form of artificial intelligence uses heuristic or rule-base programming to solve a problem like a human seems to solves it
| Subtopic: AI as assistant
Quote: Vellum has a Drafting Assistant to suggest relationships and commands such as 'on', 'intersection', 'tangent'; a use of "animated language" [»tognB_1992]
| Subtopic: AI as symbol manipulation
Quote: AI assumes that one can explain the high-level traffic of symbol activations in its own terms, without neural events [»hofsDR_1979]
| Quote: cognitive science rests on the assumption that cognitive terms can be related independently of other descriptive systems [»pylyZW_1986]
| Subtopic: AI as string transformation
Quote: use GAWK for AI because any logic merely defines how strings can be transformed into other strings; GAWK is designed for string transformation [»louiRP8_1996]
| Subtopic: AI as novice
Quote: the mental processes of a novice are easily imitated by a computer; outperforms novice because of more rules and context-free elements [»hallH_1992]
| Subtopic: AI as brute force
Quote: Scrabble is very fast but not smart; still achieves resounding victories almost all human players [»appeAW5_1988]
| Subtopic: AI as physical
Quote: to avoid delusion, should build complete, intelligent systems with real sensing and real action; enhance incrementally [»brooRA1_1991]
| Quote: physical grounding hypothesis: an intelligent system must be grounded in the physical world with appropriate sensors and actuators [»brooRA6_1990]
| Quote: artificial knee with automatic knee locking reflex on contact with ground [»bekeGA4_1986]
| Subtopic: random search
Quote: software must have internal regularies which can be found by random search
| Quote: random search of scheduling solutions more effective than complete search; master or collar variables determine the behavior [»menzT1_2007]
| Quote: solve large N-queens problems using random search; up to board size 26 [»menzT1_2007]
| Subtopic: collar variables
Quote: collar variables are variables that determine the behavior of the rest of the system [»menzT1_2007]
| Subtopic: learning
Quote: the goal of temporal difference methods is to match the learner's current prediction for a pattern with the next prediction at the next time step [»tesaG3_1995]
| Quote: a program could learn if a higher-level program changed its evaluation functions according to the results of games played [»shanCE3_1950]
| Quote: if could teach computers, they could digest the world's libraries and achieve superhuman effectiveness; basic goal of AI [»schwJ_1987]
| Quote: a research program for AI is to hand-code a broad knowledge base, then acquire knowledge through reading, and finally learn by discovery [»lenaDB1_1991]
| Quote: a program could randomly vary its evaluation function and select those variations that perform best
| Quote: produce a thinking machine by imitating each part and letting it roam the countryside; too slow and too large to be practical [»turiAM9_1947]
| Quote: Turing created a universal machine by training, on paper, an unorganized machine with rewards and punishments; circular memory of 64 squares [»turiAM9_1947]
| Subtopic: chess
Quote: a paper machine for playing chess acts as if it were alive; it is difficult to distinguish from a rather poor chess player [»turiAM9_1947]
| Quote: want to represent chess as numbers and operations on numbers, and to reduce strategy to a sequence of computer orders [»shanCE3_1950]
| Quote: computers have applications in matrix operations, differential equations, logical problems including chess and draughts, commercial and industrial subjects, fault diagnosis, programming, and pure mathematics [»ferr8_1952]
| Quote: play chess by maximizing and minimizing the value of the current position; computed by adding terms for such properties as doubled pawns [»shanCE3_1950]
| Quote: a chess program needs functions to determine stable positions (no pieces en prise) and potentially useful moves [»shanCE3_1950]
| Quote: a chess program should play a fairly strong game, at speeds comparable to humans
| Quote: can use statistical variations during the chess opening and can play by the book, like masters [»shanCE3_1950]
| Subtopic: remote control
Quote: formal analysis of a plan execution module for NASA's Remote Agent; first complete, AI control of a space-craft [»haveK8_2001]
Group: artificial intelligence
Topic: computer as an intelligent agent (49 items)
Topic: people vs. computers (55 items)
Topic: expert systems (8 items)
Topic: frame problem (13 items)
Topic: heuristic-based systems (35 items)
Topic: intelligent machines (28 items)
Topic: knowledge representation (41 items)
Topic: knowledge representation by frames (18 items)
Topic: limitations of artificial intelligence and cognitive science (64 items)
Topic: reality is a machine (48 items)
Topic: people better than computers (35 items)
Topic: production systems (10 items)
Topic: thought is computational (60 items)
Topic: Turing test (13 items)
Related Topics
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Topic: motion planning for robots (15 items)
Topic: networks of relays (27 items)
Topic: problem solving (32 items)
Group: psychology (9 topics, 307 quotes)
Topic: self-regulating systems (23 items)
Topic: theorem proving systems (20 items)