ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: Godel's incompleteness theorem
Topic: Liar's paradox and Russell's paradox
Topic: chaotic behavior
Group: digital communication
Topic: parameter passing by message
Topic: unique numeric names as surrogates
Group: artificial intelligence
Topic: thought is computational
Topic: what is a number
Topic: kinds of numbers
Topic: metaphysics and epistemology
Topic: self reference
Topic: self-regulating systems
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Hofstadter, Douglas R.,
Godel, Escher, Bach; an Eternal Golden Braid, New York, Basic Books, 1979.
18 ;;Quote: Godel proved that provability is a weaker notion than truth no matter what axiomatic system is involved
| 21 ;;Quote: the following sentence is false; the preceding sentence is true
| 101 ;;Quote: a formal system is complete if every true statement that can be expressed in the system is a theorem of the system
| 137 ;;Quote: gives an erratic recursion, i.e., chaos can be produced by an orderly statement
| 166 ;;Quote: every message has a frame saying this is a message, an implicit, outer message on how to decode the message (implicit), and a meaning
| 264 ;;Quote: a Godel numbering defines a number isomorphism for any formal system; typographic rules are arithmetic
| 272 ;;Quote: the Godel sentence G, if it were a true theorem, would state "G is not a theorem"
| 358 ;;Quote: AI assumes that one can explain the high-level traffic of symbol activations in its own terms, without neural events
| 447 ;;Quote: informal description of Godel's string
| 465 ;;Quote: Godel's string is equivalent to "I can not be proved in the formal system"
| 449 ;;Quote: a Godel number is a name for a string
| 559 ;;Quote: every aspect of thinking is a high-level description of a system governed by simple, even formal rules
| 709 ;;Quote: the emergent phenomena in our brains is a kind of Strange Loop where the top level both influences and is defined by the bottom level
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ThesaHelp: references g-h (299 items)
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