Topic: broadcasting information
Topic: channel multiplexing
Topic: communication port
Topic: communication protocols
Topic: hardware for interprocess communication
Topic: IEEE488 instrument bus
Topic: Internet
Topic: message queues for communication
Topic: reliable broadcast
Topic: reliable communication
Topic: sending an object across a network
Group: communication
Group: distributed systems
Group: electronic mail
Group: information
Group: parallel processing
Topic: a single system image
Topic: communicating sequential processes
Topic: computer architecture
Topic: document-centered system
Topic: electronic meetings
Topic: entropy
Topic: interprocess communication
Topic: open systems
Topic: Petri net
Topic: reliability of distributed systems
Topic: remote procedure call
Topic: routing electronic mailing
Topic: translation of data
Topic: synchronous communication through a channel
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Traditional communication was analog -- sound waves, light waves, electrical waves, and radio waves. Now, communication is increasingly digital. Physical inputs such as sound waves are converted to numbers, these numbers are transmitted over the internet, and reconstructed as sound waves and images. Computers communicate without translation to and from an analog medium.
Communication and computation are complementary. The results of computation at one place are needed at other places, whether within a computer chip or across the internet. Communication must be reliable from end-to-end. The costs of communication are substantial in both time and material. (cbb 8/06)
Subtopic: communication as reproducing a message
Quote: a communication system transmits information from a source over a channel, where it is received at its destination [»shanCE7_1948]
| Quote: communication reproduces a message from a set of possible messages; semantics and meaning are irrelevant [»shanCE7_1948]
| Subtopic: boundary, state variables, and communication
Quote: communicate between two Petri nets by identifying peripheral locations
| Quote: printing could be projecting an object across the memory-to-printer barrier, or editing across a memory-to-user barrier [»coxBJ7_1983]
| Quote: classification view of systems depends on a global perspective; communication view is localized and observable, like Plato's cave dwellers [»wegnP10_1986]
| Subtopic: communication as memory, state variables
Quote: make communication look like memory via ports (a queue of buffers), message screening or filtering, and logical addressing [»cherDR5_1986]
| Quote: an environment and system communicate by changing values of state functions, e.g., voltages on wires [»lampL1_1989]
| Quote: for problem-oriented shared memory, communication must have efficient/reliable transport, multicast, network data pointers, and process invocation [»cherDR5_1986]
| Subtopic: virtual document
Quote: a virtual document is active, structured information for communication; applications are tools; e.g., Illustrator format
| Subtopic: wires necessary for computation
Quote: the old conception of computation treated wires as idealized, instantaneous connections [»hillWD_1985]
| Quote: in computers, wires are much of the cost, space and delay times
| Quote: the router in the bulk-synchronous parallel model sends up to h messages for each component [»valiLG8_1990]
| Quote: with the bulk-synchronous parallel model, the hardware investment for communication must grow faster than that for computation
| Subtopic: communication drives cost of collaboration
Quote: communication is main cost of running Netlib; inexpensive to manage [»dongJJ5_1987]
| Subtopic: message frame
Quote: every message has a frame saying this is a message, an implicit, outer message on how to decode the message (implicit), and a meaning [»hofsDR_1979, OK]
| Subtopic: upcalls for communication
Quote: use up-calls to transfer incoming network data, user input, or status changes to higher level processes; avoids context switches; used for high-performance networks [»birrAD_1991]
| Quote: "up transfer" and "down transfer" because the Mark I placed electrostatic memory on a lower floor than its magnetic drum and teleprinter [»campB4_1980]
| Subtopic: sneakernet, physical transfer
Quote: transfer huge databases by transfering complete computers [»grayJ6_2003]
| Subtopic: voice vs. data
Quote: voice and data require different transmission characteristics; voice needs short, bounded delays while data needs reliable delivery [»sariS10_1985]
Group: digital communication
Topic: broadcasting information (18 items)
Topic: channel multiplexing (3 items)
Topic: communication port (40 items)
Topic: communication protocols (62 items)
Topic: hardware for interprocess communication (31 items)
Topic: IEEE488 instrument bus (2 items)
Topic: Internet (16 items)
Topic: message queues for communication (36 items)
Topic: reliable broadcast (29 items)
Topic: reliable communication (29 items)
Topic: sending an object across a network (11 items)
Related Topics
Group: communication (27 topics, 819 quotes)
Group: distributed systems (14 topics, 348 quotes)
Group: electronic mail (12 topics, 170 quotes)
Group: information (46 topics, 1160 quotes)
Group: parallel processing (41 topics, 1125 quotes)
Topic: a single system image (30 items)
Topic: communicating sequential processes (33 items)
Topic: computer architecture (46 items)
Topic: document-centered system (12 items)
Topic: electronic meetings (24 items)
Topic: entropy (14 items)
Topic: interprocess communication (29 items)
Topic: open systems (33 items)
Topic: Petri net (44 items)
Topic: reliability of distributed systems (35 items)
Topic: remote procedure call (44 items)
Topic: routing electronic mailing (12 items)
Topic: translation of data (26 items)
Topic: synchronous communication through a channel (28 items)