ThesaHelp: references i-l
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l
Group: systems
Group: digital communication
Topic: constructing proof and program together
Topic: requirement specification by assertion
Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties
Topic: temporal relationships
Topic: requirement specification by behaviors
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Lamport, L.,
"A simple approach to specifying concurrent systems",
Communications of the ACM, 32, 1, pp. 32-45, January 1989.
32 ;;Quote: a system is anything that interacts with its environment in a discrete fashion across a well-defined boundary
| 35 ;;Quote: an environment and system communicate by changing values of state functions, e.g., voltages on wires
| 38 ;;Quote: every program is a transition axiom specification; a compiler translates the program's explicit and implicit state functions
| 42 ;;Quote: specify liveness axioms by temporal logic; uses box for henceforth and diamond for eventually; defines leads_to
| 43 ;;Quote: use explicit internal state functions to help specify all permitted sequences of interface actions
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ThesaHelp: references i-l (342 items)
ThesaHelp: ACM references f-l (241 items)
Group: systems (17 topics, 526 quotes)
Group: digital communication (11 topics, 295 quotes)
Topic: constructing proof and program together (22 items)
Topic: requirement specification by assertion (28 items)
Topic: safety, liveness, and system properties (22 items)
Topic: temporal relationships (40 items)
Topic: requirement specification by behaviors (16 items)