ThesaHelp: references t-z
ThesaHelp: ACM references m-z
Topic: models of parallel computation
Topic: critical regions
Topic: synchronized processing
Group: digital communication
Topic: broadcasting information
Topic: memory cache
Topic: managing shared memory
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Valiant, L.G.,
"A bridging model for parallel computation",
Communications of the ACM, 33, 8, August 1990, pp. 103-111.
104 ;;Quote: the bulk-synchronous parallel model achieves simulations of parallel computation up to constant factors; like the von Neumann model
| 104 ;;Quote: the bulk-synchronous parallel model requires parallel slackness; i.e., log n more virtual processes than physical processors
| 105 ;;Quote: the bulk-synchronous parallel model uses barrier synchronization; i.e., supersteps of L time units with all communication between supersteps
| 105 ;;Quote: the router in the bulk-synchronous parallel model sends up to h messages for each component
| 105+;;Quote: with the bulk-synchronous parallel model, the hardware investment for communication must grow faster than that for computation
| 106 ;;Quote: optimal parallel execution if memory is randomly distributed among the physical processors and there are log p more virtual processors; e.g., use hashing
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