
Topic: synchronized processing

topics > computer science > Group: parallel processing

coordination system
asynchronous processing
broadcasting information
concurrency control by monitors
concurrency control by sequencers
continuous coordination of robot motion
coordinated processes
event time
hard real time systems
massively parallel processors
parallel control statements
Petri net transitions and events
program execution
reliability of distributed systems
remote procedure call
synchronous communication through a channel
Subtopic: coordination vs. notification vs. simultaneous up

Quote: coordination deals with synchronous activity while notification deals with asynchronous activity
Quote: both CmLisp and the Connection Machine achieves parallelism through simultaneous operations instead of concurrent control [»hillWD_1985]

Subtopic: synchronization protocols up

Quote: firing squad synchronization problem--synchronize a line of processors to all enter the 'fire' state at the same time [»moorEF_1964]
Quote: use the firing squad synchronization problem to study man/machine interaction [»balzRM8_1968]
Quote: a system is self-stabilizing when it is guaranteed to arrive and stay at good states from any initial state; i.e., closure and convergence [»schnM3_1993]
Quote: can't say bye by exchanging messages; instead timeout or ping throughout conversation [»giffDK7_1985, OK]

Subtopic: synchronous language up

Quote: use synchronous languages for real-time, embedded, safety critical applications [»benvA1_2003]
Quote: treat control variables as a flow of values, one per clock tick; system of equations or dataflow network; each variable defined exactly once [»benvA1_2003]
Quote: a node in Lustre is a function of typed input flows; defined by a system of equations and local flows; exactly one definition for each output or local flow [»benvA1_2003]

Subtopic: synchronized communication up

Quote: Limbo uses a channel to connect local and remote tasks; synchronous communication of any data structure [»dorwSM1_1997]
Quote: synchronized communication simplifies programming, no buffers, efficient, data not lost, one process waits for the other [»mayD_1987]
Quote: it is easy to implement buffering as a process that uses unbuffered, synchronized communication
Quote: CSP uses unbuffered, synchronized communication; matches wires and subroutine calls, easy to implement buffering [»hoarCA_1985]
Quote: for digital flight-control use synchronous channels, sensor data to all channels, and exact-match majority voting; needs fault-tolerant clock synchronization, etc. [»rushJ12_1991]
Quote: ISO Layer 5 is the session layer; controls and synchronizes data exchange, handles accounting and access control [»millLJ_1981]

Subtopic: synchronous processing up

Quote: the 8 1/2 windowing system is entirely synchronous; communicating co-routines for mouse, keyboard, and window clients; reads I/O pipe requests when coroutines are quiet [»pikeR6_1991]

Subtopic: implementation up

Quote: if use crowds instead of counters for synchronization, can determine which processes are currently using a resource [»atkiR_1977]
Quote: synchronize processes by transition commands, i.e., a list of state transitions of which one must occur [»brinP9_1978]
Quote: a petri net can automatically synchronize multiple displays of Hypertext [»stotPD12_1988]
Quote: lookahead-rollback synchronization--execute until a conflict is discovered then roll back the offending processes and reexecute [»jeffDR7_1985]

Subtopic: fast synchronization up

Quote: software-only synchronization in a uniprocessor by rollforward in the rare case of preemption; high performance with fine-grained synchronization [»mosbD1_1996]
Note: use inc/dec for cheap synchronization under the normal case; may be cheap enough to use everywhere [»cbb_1990, OK]

Subtopic: clock synchronization up

Quote: synchronous clocks require a closed chain of communication that includes both clocks [»petrCA1_1966]
Quote: clock unison when clocks agree under incrementation; self-stabilizing algorithms for asynchronous unison with shared-memory [»schnM3_1993]
Quote: formally verified Byzantine failure clock synchronization with EHDM; difficult; found many errors, though none serious [»rushJ12_1991]

Subtopic: barrier synchronization up

Quote: TreadMarks currently provides two synchronization primitives: global barrier synchronization and exclusive locks [»amzaC2_1996]
Quote: use read-barrier to avoid scavenging newly-allocated objects for Baker's garbage collection algorithm [»cheaAM9_2000]
Quote: implement read-barriers for Baker's memory algorithm via address range checks, virtual memory, or hardware checks on pointers [»cheaAM9_2000]
Quote: bulk synchronous parallelism uses barrier synchronization, i.e., all global communication between processors takes place at synchronized barriers [»pounD11_1996]
Quote: the bulk-synchronous parallel model uses barrier synchronization; i.e., supersteps of L time units with all communication between supersteps [»valiLG8_1990]

Subtopic: mirrored applications up

Quote: for fault-tolerance, use swact (switch of activity) between active and passive forms of an application; passive form only keeps track of state of active form; resynchronizes on recovery [»dereF3_2001]

Subtopic: avoiding synchronization up

Quote: lock-free objects with retry loops are useful for hard real-time; no priority inversion, minimal operating system support, upper bound on successful updates [»andeJH8_1995]
Quote: concurrent data is wait-free if any process can complete in a finite number of steps; e.g., compare&swap but not test&set; reduce to consensus [»herlM1_1991]
Quote: treat control variables as a flow of values, one per clock tick; system of equations or dataflow network; each variable defined exactly once [»benvA1_2003]
Quote: Scade requires a pre operator for feedback values; enables separate compilation; i.e., execution order within a node is independent of the node's caller

Related Topics up

Group: coordination system   (8 topics, 217 quotes)
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Topic: broadcasting information (18 items)
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Topic: concurrency (33 items)
Topic: concurrency control by monitors (24 items)
Topic: concurrency control by sequencers (27 items)
Topic: continuous coordination of robot motion (14 items)
Topic: coordinated processes (8 items)
Topic: event time (45 items)
Topic: hard real time systems (64 items)
Topic: massively parallel processors (29 items)
Topic: parallel control statements (12 items)
Topic: Petri net transitions and events (21 items)
Topic: program execution (8 items)
Topic: reliability of distributed systems (35 items)
Topic: remote procedure call (44 items)
Topic: synchronous communication through a channel
(28 items)

Updated barberCB 7/05
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