Group: expression evaluation
Group: machine model
Group: types of programming languages
Topic: animation
Topic: asynchronous processing
Topic: data flow machines
Topic: dynamic code modification
Topic: event controlled processing
Topic: executable code from specifications and designs
Topic: incremental execution
Topic: interpreter
Topic: procedures as data
Topic: production systems
Topic: program construction by walk-through
Topic: programming by sequential implementation
Topic: semantics by an abstract machine
Topic: spatial vs. temporal representation
Topic: structured programming
Topic: synchronized processing
Topic: threaded code
Topic: von Neumann computer
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Ultimately programs are executed on a machine. The machine finds a continuous sequential path through the program's code. It determines its own next instruction. Once one processor is started it just keeps on going until explicitly stopped. It is this path, the moment to moment, irreversible change in data and state, that is the program's true meaning. A large part of this path is controlling memory references and address computations.
Interpreters are processors which "execute" a data representation. In data flow programs, execution is by the confluence of data at nodes. (cbb 5/80)
Subtopic: sequence of instructions
Quote: the distinguishing feature of a computer is that it determines its own next instruction [»bellCG_1971]
| QuoteRef: cbb_1973 ;;7/14/74 formally any program at a given time is == to a linear straightforward no loops, no branches program
| Subtopic: complexity of execution
Quote: even though a program may appear graceful, it looks like a Rube Goldberg machine when executed by hand [»dennDC_1978a]
| Subtopic: static program vs. dynamic data
Quote: execution of a program concerns two information streams: a constant one, the program, and a varying one, the data
| Quote: the behavior of a system is the time pattern of its data structures [»bellCG_1971]
| Quote: a Modula-3 program is a computation on locations of digital components [»cardL_1991]
| Subtopic: read-only code
Quote: executable code should not be modified; was a big clarity problem with machine code [»dijkEW5_1965]
| Subtopic: result despite alternatives
Quote: evaluation in Icon seeks for successful results in the presence of alternative values [»grisRE4_1979]
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Topic: incremental execution (22 items)
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Topic: programming by sequential implementation (26 items)
Topic: semantics by an abstract machine (38 items)
Topic: spatial vs. temporal representation (21 items)
Topic: structured programming (27 items)
Topic: synchronized processing (35 items)
Topic: threaded code (18 items)
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