Topic: foreach and for all statements
Topic: efficiency
Topic: word processing
ThesaHelp: references g-h
Topic: sequence generators
Topic: backtracking
Topic: string transformation languages
Topic: program execution
Topic: quantified repetition
Topic: implementation of Thesa data objects
Topic: system-defined variables
Topic: co-routines
Topic: data record
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Griswold, R.E., Hanson, D.R., Korb, J.T.,
"The Icon programming language: An overview",
SIGPLAN, 14, 4, pp. 18-31, April 1979.
QuoteRef: grisRE4_1979 ;;18 "Unlike SNOBOL4 and SL5, Icon is intended to be practical for production programming
| 20 ;;Quote: evaluation in Icon seeks for successful results in the presence of alternative values
| 20 ;;Quote: an Icon generator tries alternatives until the entire statement succeeds; gives example
| QuoteRef: grisRE4_1979 ;;21 "the 'every construct produces all alternatives of an expression and evaluates a 'do clause for each alternative. An example is every i := (1|3|7) do f(i)"
| QuoteRef: grisRE4_1979 ;;22 "Another string operation that is a generator is find (s1,s2), which returns the locations at which s1 appears as a substring of s2.
| 23 ;;Quote: Icon provides system variables for the current state of the scanning function
| 25 ;;Quote: if a procedure suspends execution instead of returning, it can be reactivated later; allows implementation of generators
| QuoteRef: grisRE4_1979 ;;26 Icon defines character sets which consist of a set of characters. on output printed in collating sequence
| 28 ;;Quote: Icon tables include type of elements and type of subscripts
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