Topic: uniform representation of files and sequences
Topic: windows for a UserInterface
Topic: multi-processing for a user interface
Topic: Unix pipes
Topic: co-routines
Topic: synchronized processing
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Pike, R.,
"8 1/2, the Plan 9 window system",
Proceedings of the Summer 1991 USENIX Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, June 1991, USENIX Association, pp. 257-265.
abstract ;;Quote: the 8 1/2 windowing system treats all resources as multiplexed files; e.g., /dev/bitblt; X window functionality in 10,000 lines of code
| 259 ;;Quote: the 8 1/2 windowing system uses a full-duplex pipe for all I/O requests; a new window forks a process and mounts the pipe as /dev; a unique ID identifies the window's pipe
| 262 ;;Quote: the 8 1/2 windowing system is entirely synchronous; communicating co-routines for mouse, keyboard, and window clients; reads I/O pipe requests when coroutines are quiet
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Topic: synchronized processing (35 items)