
Topic: Unix pipes

topics > computer science > Group: operating system

communication port
data flow languages
I/O streams
information filters
interprocess communication
message queues for communication
processing a sequence
software tools
uniform representation of files and sequences


Unix pipelines allow the output of one program to become the input of another. Instead of building large intermediate files, a pipeline allows each program to be executed in parallel, like co-routines. The pipeline between each program is an information queue, while the network of interconnected programs forms a data flow representation. (cbb 5/80)
Subtopic: pipe as interface up

Quote: in most operating systems, the interface between programs is disk files or pipes
Quote: the 8 1/2 windowing system uses a full-duplex pipe for all I/O requests; a new window forks a process and mounts the pipe as /dev; a unique ID identifies the window's pipe [»pikeR6_1991]

Subtopic: filter programs up

Quote: UNIX pipes encourage small programs that are easily connected; good for human comprehension and computer performance
Quote: filter programming produces an output stream from an input stream; both streams should be general [»kernBW_1975, OK]
Quote: pipes with filters require a uniform data format [»kernBW_1975, OK]

Subtopic: unix pipe up

QuoteRef: thomK_1976 ;;379 a|b means standard output of a is b's standard input
Quote: UNIX pipes allow buffered, concurrent programs; output of one program is input to the other [»kernBW_1975, OK]
Quote: a Unix pipe is an open file shared via a 'fork' call; a read waits until something is written; looks like a file [»ritcDM7_1978a]
Quote: Unix pipes must be initialized by a common ancestor of the processes [»ritcDM7_1978a]

Subtopic: pipe as stream processing up

QuoteRef: grayJC_1973 ;;170 streaming (processing each element in my turn) to prevent "swelling" of intermediate sets

Related Topics up

Topic: co-routines (13 items)
Topic: communication port (40 items)
Topic: data flow languages (33 items)
Topic: I/O streams (17 items)
Topic: information filters (22 items)
Topic: interprocess communication (29 items)
Topic: message queues for communication (36 items)
Topic: processing a sequence (17 items)
Topic: software tools (20 items)
Topic: uniform representation of files and sequences
(14 items)

Updated barberCB 3/05
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